27 - 13 & 23

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"It's hard to see the enemy when you're looking at yourself. Maybe your reflection shows you're screaming out for help."

-Tomorrow Never Dies, 5SOS


(It's been about 6 months since the last chapter took place)

It was finally summer vacation.

Parker surprised me this morning with a very nice present.


"Parker," I whine. "Come on, what is it already?" I ask him, irritated.

"Hold on!" He says.

"You seriously stopped in the middle of sex for whatever this is? Come on, Parker, please just find it later. I need you right now." I complain.

"Hold on, woman!" He screams at me. "This is why you guys shouldn't have rights because all you do is nag and n-"

"When I'm about to hit euphoria because of your body, Parker, and you stop to find something in your bag, yeah I'm gonna be mad!" I yell back at him.

I'm glad Laney isn't home.

"Oh yeah? You really liked what I was doing there with the Oh I found it!" He says.

He's a sight. A stark naked Adonis bringing me an envelope.

He hands it to me with a smile. I bring the blanket up to cover myself but he tugs it back down.

"I like looking at you," he says, smiling. My heartbeat picks up.

I open it to see two tickets to Hawaii.

"Holy shit, Parker!" I gasp in shock. "You got these for us?" I ask him.

"Yeah. We're going to stay in this really awesome house by the beach for three nights, and in front of the bed there's a glass sliding door so we can stare at the ocean but if we want privacy there's blinds." He tells me. I put them on my bedside table before kissing him roughly.

And we pick up where we left off.




It was a day later, and after being teased about the whole mortal combat thing at practice (the basketball matches are still ongoing, until the last match which is in a few weeks, I am tired. 🙃😉

Parker and I got back to my place and I realized that I wasn't in a good mood today.

Parker is in a good mood- men and their after-effects of sex- but I just wasn't.

I wasn't feeling happy or confident today.

I went into the bathroom without a word. Parker looked confused. I look at myself in the mirror and frown.

There is just something about me that I don't like.

Maybe it's my slightly pointy nose. Or how my hair is mad frizzy. Or how awkward I look.

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