19 - Make any type of impact on a person, or the world.

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"It's not much of a life you're living. It's not just something you take, it's given."

-Stay, Rhianna.


So, my dad, Parker, and I were currently at a diner, it being pretty late now. We'd talked about anything, avoiding the subject that really needed to be spoken of, until my dad finally cracked.

"Ally, thank you for seeing me today. I'm surprised, actually. I-I thought you hated me and that you were going to slap me." He admits with a sheepish smile. I laugh.

"No. I was angry all my life, sure, but something happened a few years ago that made me realize I should be more forgiving. I should have contacted you much sooner. But really, I forgive you." I say with a smile, a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. He smiles and takes one of my hands.

"I... I need to be honest with you. I have a wife." He tells me. A jab goes through my heart, but I don't let it show. "And two kids." He says, pulling out his wallet. He shows me a picture of a woman standing beside him, a baby girl in her arms, and a baby boy in his. "About a year apart."

"You have a beautiful family," I tell him with a smile. I check the time and groan. "I have a test tomorrow. I need to go home and get some sleep. I'll call you.. is that okay?" I ask him. He nods quickly, standing, and hugging me.

"That's great, Al... I hope to see you soon?" He says in a questioning tone. I nod.

"Soon." I agree, and take Parker's hand, and we walk out. We get in his car. "Can I stay at your place tonight?" I ask, sighing. He nods and starts the car.

So what I have two outfits and a toothbrush at his place. It isn't a big deal.

"Are you okay?" Parker asks as we drive silently through the roads of the city.

"I'm fine," I assure him, squeezing the hand he has resting on my thigh. He doesn't respond, but telling by the expression on his face, he doesn't believe it. He pulls into his apartment complex, and we quietly get inside, or so I'd thought. Not quietly enough. 

"Parker. West. It is practically the middle of the n- oh hey Ally- night."

(So for the first time, I just watched the music video to The A-Team. I'd suspected it was about a prostitute addicted to drugs, but the fact that she dies in the music video really fucks me up. Just letting you know.)

"Sis, it's been a long day. Please." Parker begs. She sighs before going into her room. Parker starts to walk towards his room before he realizes I'm not following. He turns around slowly. I stare blankly at the wall.

Why weren't we good enough?

Was it only because of Mom?

Did he just not want us?

"Ally," Parker whispers and approaches slowly. The first tear spills. He pulls me to him. I wind my arms around his stony waist, appreciating his abs, but wishing he was actually squeezable for just a second.

I do a small laugh and sniff.

"Why does it even matter to me?" I ask, my voice sounding so vulnerable and broken, that I flinch at the sound of it. He leans back and caresses my cheek with the pad of his thumb, wiping away stray tears.

"Because it isn't fair." He murmurs. "You still manage to look so beautiful when you're crying." 

So I do what any frustrated teenage hormonal girl would do when depressed.

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