14 - Gotten My Future Told / Gone Rollerskating

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"I just wanna be an escape."

Escape, Kehlani.


The day wasn't over yet, Parker still had plans. We had driven back into the main parts of the area in Athens, the city we were currently residing in.

"I want to live here someday. I love Greece." I tell Parker with a smile. He returns it and looks back out the window.

"STOP THE CAR!" He yells at me. I screech to a stop and pull over. We get out and he pulls me towards his destination - a fortune teller. I sigh to myself as we walk in.

"Hello, troubled souls." That is all the creepy lady at the desk says. "You have come for amusement," she says, looking at Parker. "And you've come because he made you."

"How'd you know?" I query.

"Well aside from the fact that I'm a fortune teller, I saw your car outside come to a sudden halt and the young man drag you in."

"Damn, she's good," Parker says to himself. I roll my eyes at his stupidity.

I'd question why he has such good grades and how he's so good at school, but I'm aware of his photographic memory so that explains it well enough. He goes by what his eyes see, he has book smarts but he truly does not have any common sense whatsoever.

"It's ten to get a reading on what your like right now, twenty for now and a future. As of the moment we have a buy one get one free deal." She informs us.

Kinda fake ass shit is this..?

Parker pulls out a twenty and hands it to her, telling her we'll take the buy one get one free on both things. She smiles and pulls us into a dark room with candles and a crystal ball in the center on the floor, small red pillows to sit on across from one.

"Sit." She commands as she sits on one. We sit across from her. She takes Parker's hands and closes her eyes. She breathes out slowly.

"Relax, and open your mind." She whispers. He lets his shoulders sag.

"Right now in time, you are confused. Part of you wants something, part of you is too scared to get it because you might fail, or lose it."

His eyes widen.

"Your distraught over an accident? Something that happened a long time ago to someone important. You feel compassion, sadness, and the need to make something happy. Good." She states.

He smiles a little at the end.

"In the future, you are going to be upset about something. Soon, you're going to be sad about something. Far in the future, you're going to be happy again, but after you do something bad." She says. She opens her eyes.

"Well, I'm scared." He says. I laugh once and the woman grabs my hands next.

I relax. She closes her eyes, and a wave of emotion washes over her features like sand on the beach.

"There's so much. You wish you'd known your mother. You want to hurt your father. You harbor a deep anger. There are three other people you want to bring harm to. Your so sad." She says softly. Parker turns his head to look at me, so I shut my eyes.

"Not only do you want to bring harm to those three people. You want to bring harm to yourself. You hate almost everything. Few things bring you happiness. One specific thing is like the sun, it makes you so bright again."


"You're grateful for this brightness. It makes you see things differently. Your happier now than you were about two months ago." She says. She opens her eyes.

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