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I pretended, for now, that I didn't hear a thing she said. I wouldn't let Parker think something was wrong. Not yet.

After a while, and a celebratory dinner, we finally got home.

"Are you okay? You've been quiet ever since that girl pulled you into the hall." He states, his eyebrows drawn together.

"Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine."

"Ally, don't lie to me. What's wrong?"

I stared at him, not knowing what to say. I didn't even realize that tears were slipping when they were.

He pulled me into his arms and held on tightly. I didn't want to believe that he could do this, to me, to us.

He pulls me into our room.

I don't know why I did it, but I begged him to distract me.

The fucked up part about it? He could have slept with another woman (well I don't know for sure yet) and I just turned around and slept with him again.


It took me a few minutes to understand.

Because I knew, I knew it was true. And I knew that I would be leaving.

"Ally? Are you asleep?" He asks. I give labored breathing and pretend I'm sleeping. "I'm sorry. I was drunk, I didn't mean to. Maybe I'll admit this to your face, awake, soon. There's more to the story, a hell of a lot more-"

I stopped listening after the "didn't mean to" part.

He just confirmed it.

I waited until he fell asleep. I stood and looked at his form, sleeping, peaceful. He's so physically perfect. No one should have the right to look like th- snap out of it, he cheated on you!

Leave. Go. Run, run from this. Like you always do. You're weak, might as well let it be known now. Go, Ally.

I grabbed his shirt, undergarments, and some joggers and pulled them on. I get shoes on. I quietly get a suitcase and rummage for my stuff. I get clothes, shoes, and most importantly, my gun. I stuff it all in there rapidly.

I leave around 2 in the morning, my heart heavy with grief, and crying.

Such a bittersweet ending, Parker and I's love story.

As I drove, further and further away from him, the slower my tears came, and the colder my heart felt.

That was the last time I'd ever see Parker West, sleeping, just admitting his sin, thinking about how perfect he was, and how much I loved him, no matter how much I wished I didn't.


I would see him again.

After all, the list hasn't been completed.


Mmm you see I was gonna finish the list and then have all of this happen but I had up and just decided to incorporate it into the sequel 👌🏻 lowkey I just kinda gave up on this book and decided to end it because I have better luck with the sequel 😂😂


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