Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It'll work. It has to work.

"Are you fucking crazy!?" Alec yanks the syringe from my hand but he's too late.

"Little bit. But I believe its going to work." And I did. Mostly..

"You better hope so."

"I should go to the imfirmary and be isolated, just in case."

"Alec will escort you," the director turns to Alec, "Monitor her carefully so we know what this vaccine does. Report back to me once its over with." He leaves and I grab my files and tools to recreate the vaccine.

Alec leads me to the infirmary and instructs the doctor to place me in the containment room. Its a small room made of glass, and is not bigger than 7ft by 5ft. There's a cot in the corner to lay on and rest. Other than that, its dull and lonely.

I sigh, "What hell did I get myself into?" I step in and the doors lock behind me. I set my stuff down and begin recreating the vaccine.

"I'll be back in a few hours. Try not to die by then," Alec leaves and I'm all alone now.

"That's okay.. I can just remake the serum." And that's exactly what I do.


A few hours go by and I still feel fine. I've recreated the serum and made a few more batches.

The nurse brings me some food and I scsrf it all down. Its been almost 2 days since I've esten anything and I'm starved.

"Slow down before you choke," Alec shakes his head as he approaches. "How do you feel?"

"I'm fine."

"Good. I'll be back every few hours to check up for the director." He leaves and goes to inform Richard.

By the 22nd hour, I've slept, and waited to see what would come. But nothing ever did. Its working!

"How's isolation?" Alec leans against the glass wall in front of me. The most boring and miserable time of my life.

"Hell. Lonely. Boring. You get the picture."

"How do you feel?" He eyes me, trying to see if anything's changed.

"I'm f.." Before I can get the word out, a harsh burning sensation shoots through my arm and I cry out. I clutch it to my chest in pain, looking down at the area where I injected myself.

"Erika??" Alec reaches for the handle on the door but I stop him.

"Don't! I don't know what's going to happen." The burning sensation spreads throughout my body, causing every part of me to hurt. My legs collapse beneath me and I fall to my knees. It doesn't end, its just a non-stop torment to my body.

"What's happening?" Alec watches me from the other side of the glass.

"I don't know.. it feels as if my whole body is on fire.."

"Push through it, you can survive this."

Shaking my head, the rest of me collapses onto the floor. I lay on my side, curled into a ball and cuddling my arm to my chest.

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