Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


My bags drop to the ground and my legs are moving before my mind can catch up. His must be doing the exact same thing as he determinely walks straight towards me.

I don't even get the chance to speak when we finally reach each other.

He takes my face in his hands and leans down, his lips kissing mine with so much passion and force it almost knocks me off my feet.

I finally respond, my arms wrapping around him, one up his back and tangling my free hand in his hair as I pull him closer and deepen the kiss. The fire that had died within me for what felt like years ago, finally ignites once again.

His lips are urgent, demanding against mine and his passion hits me all at once. He's felt the pain that's been in me too..

One hand slips from my face as his arm wraps around my waist and pulls me flat against his chest. The fire spreads throughout my entire body, lighting everything that was once dark. His lips feel perfect as they move against mine, nothing like I've ever felt before.

It takes a few minutes for me to realize that tears are streaming down my face. I finally feel whole again, finally alive. And free! All the hope that was lost has been found once again as the one thing I truly needed has finally come back to me.

His lips pull away from mine and his eyes search my teary ones. His thumb wipes away anymore that threaten to fall. He rests his forehead against mine and sighs in content.

"Um, guys? As much as I love watching y'all make out, we kind of gotta get going before they catch up." Jared just had to ruin the perfect moment. He gets into the drivers side of the car and Alec fetches my bags.

He throws them in the trunk and I catch up. His eyes narrow on the bandage stuck to my forehead. "What happened?"

"Got jumped by a vampire, cut my head on the ground. Pretty sick concussion, so I probably shouldn't sleep. Even though I so badly want to." I smile and he shakes his head.

"I missed your crazy..," he sighs and opens the door to the back seat for me before climbing in beside me.

"Finally," Jared sighs and shoves the car into gear. We speed off and I can't help but smile. Free.. finally free..

"So Erika, you wanna tell me what was happening on that ledge? I have an idea what but I just wanna know, what the HELL you were thinking?!" Jared kills the peaceful silence that I was enjoying so much.

"What's he talking about?" Alec stares down at me and I look away, staring out the window away from them both.

"4 months went by. What do you expect? I didn't think anyone would come, I thought I'd be a prisoner forever. For the first 2 months, if I left my room I'd have to be escorted anywhere. And when I was in my room, a guard would stay outside. Then after a failed escape attempt, I couldn't leave at all. When it was time to eat, it'd be brought to my room. A guard stood outside and I was pretty much locked away. I was losing my mind. For 2 months.. nothing but my room. And I had no one. Everyone stopped visiting after my escape attempt," tears start to fall again just thinking about it. "I was all alone. No one came. I couldn't get out. I couldn't escape. I had no hope of ever being free again. Or ever leaving the sanctuary. It wasn't worth living anymore when I wasn't really living. I was a prisoner in a place I had spent 7 years hating and wishing to break free. And I finally did, only to be taken back. You were right.. I destroyed myself... I was going to jump off that balcony, and kind of did but Jared caught my arm just in time.."

"Erika..," Alec's eyes close and he takes a deep breath. They open again and reveal his own pain. He takes me in his arms and holds me close. "I wont let them take you back.. I promise."

My heart melts at his words and I hold onto him tightly.

"Umm, soo.. Are you guys like a thing now?" Jared kills the moment. Again!

I stare up at Alec and he smiles. "I think that can be arranged."

I giggle and he kisses my cheek. Jared makes a gagging sound. "Knock the cute shit off before I vomit. And no fuckin' in the back seat!"

We all laugh and the mood is lifted from sad to happy. Good job, Jared.

We hit a bump and my head starts to spin and pain then takes over. "Ow.." I rub it on the side thats not cut to try and soothe the ache.

"You okay?" Alec looks me over and I nod.

"Guess my heads a little sensitive to Jared's bad driving."

"I'm a great driver, thank you very much," Jared says matter-of-factly.

"Dude, you suck. I thought we were going to die 5 times on the way here." Alec laughs and its the most amazing and rare sound I've ever heard. I smile lights up my face and I want to hear it again.

"Well excuse me for having to learn by myself during a vampire apocalypse!" He's so defensive sometimes, which makes it all the more fun to mess with. 

"So did I but I still am way better than you."

"Me too," Alec smiles and I definently want to see some more of that.

Jared scoffs. "Next time, Imma let ya fall!" We all go dead silent. "Too soon?"

"Yes!" Me and Alec both shout and look over at each other.

"Oh God do not become one of those couples." Jared rolls his eyes.

I laugh and ease into the long drive ahead. I rest my head on Alec's chest and he nudges me every once in awhile to make sure I stay awake.

After being through hell and back, for the first time I can finally say I'm truly happy.

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