Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


"Breathe damnit!" I perform CPR on Alec in hopes of his pulse coming back. "You are not dying on me! Wake up Alec!!" I keep performing CPR and just wait, for anything. Any change at all. "I swear, next time my lips are on yours, you better be awake for it!" I keep going and going until a sudden spike shows in the monitor. "We got him!" The heart rate picks up some and although its slow, he's alive.

I sigh, resting my head on his stomach. "Don't ever do that again.."

A hand rests on my head, stroking my hair and soothing my stress away. I glance up and its Alec, staring down at me.

"We're here!" Jared shouts and I lift my head off of Alec. The van comes to a halt and I burst through the back doors. A gurney is already being rolled up for Alec and I help Jared lift him onto it. We roll him down to the infirmary and Alec's hand grips over mine.

"I'm..I'm.." He struggles to speak and I take rest my hand on his good shoulder.

"Shh.. don't try and talk. Not until your stronger." We burst through the infirmary doors and the doctors roll him away.

"Erika! I.. I.." He shouts from up ahead but I can't get to him with the nurses blocking the way. Then he's silent.

"We're losing him!" A doctor ahead shouts and my heart sinks.

"Alec!" The world comes crashing down on me and I try to force past the nurses but they pull me back.


"When you clamped his artery out there you saved his life, he would have never made it otherwise." Thank God for Val showing me that. "He's going to be okay but he needs to stay away from fighting for a little while, while he's healing. The claw marks were deep and required lots of stitches and if he pops anymore he could probably sever the artery again. He has to be very careful after being releases. We'll keep him for a few days and then its bedrest for awhile."

"Thank you doctor." I brush past her and enter his room. He's still sleeping after surgery.

And then everything comes back to me. My surgery. Him leaving. He never wanted me, or to even be near me.

But he jumped in front of that vampire for me. He could have died, because of me.. So I stay and wait till he wakes up to make sure he's okay.

It isn't long before he does wake up, but the anesthesia hasn't quite warn off yet. His head rolls to the side and he looks at me.

I'm leaning against the wall beside the door. "You know I was contemplating leaving like you did.. but I couldn't bring myself to do it until I knew you were okay after you woke up." He stares blankly at me and I laugh but there's no humor in it. I shake my head and reach for the door handle. "You didn't even come once. And here I am.." I shake my head feeling like a total idiot. I yank the door open and I leave before I get sucked back in by the man.


All the soldiers are taking a break for a little while from missions. We all could really use one as of all the events lately.

A loud knock causes me to jump from the bed. I look at the clock and its 12 p.m. We're off today its not like I'm late for anything..

I open the door and too my shock, its Alec. In his hospital gown, leaned against the door frame for support, barely able to even walk, nor is he supposed to be. "Alec what the hell are you doing?! You should be in the infirmary!"

"I had to see you.. I lied. I came to see you after the surgery. I saw you every night you were in the infirmary. I came when you were sleeping. Which might sound weird, but I was trying to keep my distance because you're too good to be around someone like me. I'd destroy that good.. But not being around you is just as hard because I'm not there to keep you from destroying yourself. And no matter how much I want to be that person, I can't be. So I'm sorry for not being there like I should have. I just couldn't be."

"Alec.." I don't even know what to say. He's literally got me at a loss for words. And that never happens to me. I stare at him as he struggles to hold himself up. He's still extremely weak from blood loss and could have torn his stitches just coming here. "We need to get you back to the infirmary."

"No, I need to see you.." He grunts in pain and I shake my head.

"You've seen me now lets go before you tear your stitches." I reach to help him but he steps away, using the wall for support.

"No." I swear he's more stubborn than me.

"Fine I will stay with you in the infirmary now lets go!" Before he can say anything else, I grab the good arm that's holding onto the wall for support and drape it around my shoulders.

I try my best to help support his wait as I help him to the infirmary. He grunts in pain every once in awhile but I try my best to make it the least bit bumpy as possible.

"Erika?" I freeze at the familiar voice. I turn to find my brother standing before me.

"Emmett? What.. how??"

"Who the hell is this?" Alec looks between us both. He doesn't look very happy, more so than usual. Is he jealous..? Gross that's my brother!

"Her brother," Emmett answers for me.

"Emmett, as much as I love seeing you, I have to help him," I nod up at Alec.

"Is this your boyfriend?" Emmett smirks and comes over to help.

"He wishes," I wink up at Alec before handing him over to Emmett to help. "This way," I lead them to the infirmary and back to Alec's room. Emmett sits Alec back on the bed and I sit beside him, helping him get adjusted.

"What the hell are you doing here Erika?" Emmett stands in front of us.

"I could ask you the same," I cross my arms defensively over my chest.

"Bringing your ass back home, that's what." He mimicks my moves and my blood runs cold.

"I'm not going home."

"I'm afraid you don't have a choice," he takes out his phone and speaks to someone. "The infirmary. Room 12. See you soon."

"Who the hell was that?"

"You'll see." He keeps his arms crossed over his chest and stares disapprovingly.

I look over at Alec, who's watching me. His words play over in my mind and the thought of leaving now after everything makes my heart constrict so tightly I can't breathe.

"Breathe, Erika," Alec rests his hand on mine and I nod, letting out the breath I hadn't realized I had been holding.

The door to Alec's room opens and my eyes widen in surprise. Val and Carter enter the room and I know this isn't a fight I'm going to win.

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