Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

It had been a month since I had taken the vaccine. I've been recreating it, improving on the pain side effect, and distributing it to everyone in the sanctuary.

I called a few of my sources, as part of the deal to expand the army, and many of them are already on the way. At least I'll have some people I know.

"Erika?" Turning, I see Jared from the sanctuary in NY. He looks the same as he did when I left. 6'2, blonde hair, still young and 27. I admit I used to have the biggest crush on him when I first went to the sanctuary. He was only 2 years older than me, we could have dated. But he was always more of a best friend or brother to me.

"Jared!" Leaving the group that Alec was instructing, I run up and bear hug him, jumping and wrapping my legs around his waist. "You actually came!"

He laughs and spins me around. "I take it that you missed me. Of course I came, wouldn't have missed out on a chance like this." He hugs me one last time before setting me back down.

"How's everyone back home?"

"Worrying like crazy where you are. Although, your sister believes your going to be fine. You kinda pulled a her, after all."

"Maybe I'll find me my own Carter while I'm here."

"Erika, what are you doing? Get back in formation," Alec approaches, very grumpily.

"Oh, bite me," I roll my eyes at him.

"Think I found your Carter." Jared smiles smugly at my horrified expression.

"Not even close."

"What's a Carter?" Alec looks at the both of us, clearly confused.

"Nothing to worry yourself with. So Jared, you didn't tell anyone where I was right?"

"No, but they are gonna be suspicious what happened to the both of us now. I don't think they would figure out where we really are though. I covered our tracks well."

"Good, good. Hey, you need to go straight to the infirmary. I created the vaccine, you should get it before you join anything." I couldn't lose one of my closest friends to this disease, I've already lost enough.

"Alright, well I'll see you later. It was good finally seeing you again, I didn't think I ever would after you left." He smiles and hugs me before heading to the infirmary.

Alec clears his voice from behind me. I turn to face him and raise an eyebrow at the look on his face. "What?"

"You disobeyed an order."

I smile smugly and take a close step to him. I step close enough to the point our chests touch and I stare up at him, a seductive look added to my face. "And, what exactly are you going to do about it?"


I laugh and take a step back. "Too easy," I shake my head and join the others.

We go back to training for combat, which I excell at, given my background.

I kick the legs out from under my oponent and he falls to the ground. "Another win. You'd think it'd get boring."

"Alright, if you're so confident. Lets see you go up against me," Alec stands im front of me with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Game on." I take my stance and he mimicks my actions. I take my first move, swinging my right arm but he catches it, like I assumed he would, so I swing my left under and up. He catches that one too, twisting them and turning me so my backs against his chest. He shoves me foward and I fall flat on the ground.

Laughter erupts around me and my blood boils at his smug look. "Where's the confidence now?"

"Oh, I'm just getting started." I stand back up on my feet and take my stance. I rush at him with full force and he steps foward with his left leg as he braces himself. To his surprise, I use his bent leg as a step, jumping on top of him. He goes to grab my leg, as I assumed he would, as it latches itself across his chest and wraps around his body. My other leg wraps around his neck and shoulders area, as I twist my entire body around his. His body twists with my own, flipping him over and onto the ground, pinned within my legs' grip.

Shocked gasps escape the lips of the fellow shoulders as they watch in astonishment at what I had just done. I took down the leader with one of the most skilled moves they could ever see done. Luckily for Alec, I didn't wrap my leg around his neck by itself, or else I would have broken it.

"That's where my confidence is." I release him from my grip and he scrambles away.

"Where the hell did you learn that? I've only seen Russian assassins do that!" His nostrils flare out of anger and I laugh.

"My mother was one." Before she met my father she was a Russian assassin, and though her parents may have not been Russian, she still was. She was highly skilled, which is what drew my father to her while he was on a mission. Lets just say, the rest was history..

"If that's the way we're going to play.." He stands and braces himself.

"Game on, sweetheart." I take my stance and get ready for his first move.

We go back and forth but he beats me by 2 more take-downs. My body slams on the mat and pain shoots through my aching body. We're both out of breath and sweat trickles down our exhausted bodies.

"You got lucky." I push myself up off the floor and catch my breath.

"Next time you disobey my order to see your little boyfriend, remember who's in charge and can take you down."

"If I recall correctly, you barely managed to take me down. And he's not my boyfriend." Why am I explaining myself to him? Wait. He's mad about that?? "Your jealous, aren't you?"

He laughs, "Jealous? That would require me to actually like you."

I roll my eyes. "You like me. Its impossible not to."

He laughs. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, princess."

The boys laugh around me. I step closer, right up against him. "You could help me sleep at night." I bat my eyelashes and the boys go 'ooh' around me. I laugh and step back as he grows uncomfortable. "Just kidding. You'd never get that lucky." I walk off and join the others, leaving him confused and uncomfortable.

The War for Survival (Survivors #2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon