Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


My eyelids slowly crack open and the pain hits me as if I just ran into a brick wall, all at once. But nothing compared to Alec's after he sheilded me.

Frantically, I look around for him when I notice he's not beside me. The vans back doors are opened from the commotion and I search outside.

"Alec!" I cry out as I try to sit up. I cry out in pain, from my shoulder and my leg. Theres a peice of glass lodged in my thigh, and my shoulders dislocated. I reach down and yank the glass out and let out a cry of pain. I rip part of my shirt and wrap my leg tightly, forcing myself to fight the pain and use my injured hand. The van is rolled on the side and both Mason and Jared are in the front.

"Jared??" I climb over everything in the back as my adrenaline kicks in. I nudge him and he lets out a groan. There's a gash on his forehead and his right arm is clearly broken. His eyes creek open and run over the wreckage. "Jared, stay calm. We wrecked.. I can't find Alec.." tears start to run down my cheeks.

Mason lets out a groan, his head coated in blood and his left arm appears to be broken, and possibly more injured from what I can see from here.

"Mason.. we have to find Alec," Jared breathes out his words and undoes his seatbelt. He uses his good arm to hold himself up as he secures his footing on the side of Masons seat, and the dash of the van. He makes sure not to step on Mason, as he shoves open his door with his good arm, and pulls himself out.

Jared slides off the side of the van and rounds the car. He makes his way to the back and looks at me.

"I need your help." I step out of the back and use my good arm to hand my injured one to him. "When I say pull, pull as hard as you can to set my shoulder back." Jared nods and I let out a heavy breath as I position myself for him to pull it back into the right place. "Pull!" He pulls and I scream in pain as it all hits me at once. But at least its set. I shrug off my hoodie and make a sling out of it to cradle my arm.

Frantically, I search around for Alec. "Alec?!" I cry out for him but I don't see him. The air is cold and it chills me to the bone. "Jared, radio in for help. I'm going to find him."

"Got it, be careful." He takes off back to the van and I search the roads.

And thats when I see it. Dark hair and a leather jacket contrasting to the white snow. "Alec!" I limp my way over to him. Please be okay.. Please be okay.. He looks dead and my heart feels like it officially shattered. The amount of emotional pain hits me harder than any physical pain I've ever felt in my life.

I kneel beside him, despite my injured leg's protests. There's blood all over his head and his ankle looks broken. Blood stains his clothes and I find peices of glass that cut his skin.

I reach down and check for a pulse and let out a releived breath when I find one. My head falls on his chest and I start to sob. "Oh thank God.. I thought I lost you.."

"Where am I?"

I jump up at his voice and look down at his startled eyes. "You're okay!" I lean down and kiss him but he pushes me off. I let out a cry in pain as I land on my injured shoulder.

"Who are you?!" He sits up and tries to run away but cries out in pain from his ankle. He falls back to the ground and I feel as if all hope is officially gone.

"Alec.. its me.. its Erika."

"I don't know who you are, or where the hell I am, but stay away!"

"I got through to the sanctuary! Reinforcements will be here soon. Hey buddy, I'm glad to see you're okay," Jared stretches out his good arm to help Alec up.

"Who the hell are you?!" Alec backs away from Jared.

Jared looks at me confused and I burst into tears. I sheild my face as I limp back to the van and rummage through our bags.

I push all emotions aside, searching for all the supplies for the cure.

"Erika!" Jared catches up and observes my behavior.

"I think everything's still here.." I sniffle and study the supplies. "Where's strain PM-1503-3M??" I search it all. "We have to find it.. where's the strain?? I.. I," I let out a cry, "I have to find it!"

"Erika, calm down.." Jared wraps his good arm around me as I sob.

"He doesn't know who I am! He doesn't recognize his own girlfriend! After all we've been through.. And now he doesn't even know!" I sob and let it all out.

"It could just be short-term memory loss, his way of coping with the accident. It'll probably all come back soon.." Jared reassures me.

"And if its due to a head injury? If he doesn't ever remember?!"

"Then he'll fall in love with you all over again." Jared holds me as I sob.

"I.. I should find the strain.." My head pounds and I start to get dizzy, all my adrenaline finally wearing off and everything begins to come crashing down on me.

"Erika, you need to sit down.."

I search around the van as Alec comes hopping up. I ignore him and listen in on his conversation with Jared.

"What the hell is going on??"

"My name is Jared, that's Mason," he points to Mason, who's sitting on the floor of the van leaned against the wall. "And that girl is Erika.. What's the last thing you remember?" Jared remains calm as he talks to Alec.

"I was training in the training room when a soldier ran up and said that they found a woman out in the snow. Last thing I remember was walking to the directors office, but I don't remember ever getting there." My heart stops. That was the day we met. Right before we met, actually.

"That woman from the snow, her name is Erika. The girl over there searching for supplies. She's a soldier, and your girlfriend. The day you found her, you and the director made a deal to let her in if she created a vaccine against the vampire disease. And she did it. We're all vaccinated. Right now, we were on the way back to the sanctuary when we crashed. We were out getting supplies for her to create a cure for the vampire disease. But that girl over there is my best friend. And you love her. You are in love with her. And I hope to god you remember her because I don't know how much more she can take after all she's been through. So you do your damn hardest to remember everything." The conversation ends and I finally find the strain.

In love? He never told me.. Is it true? Will i ever know now???

I push my thoughts aside and limp over. "I.. O uh found the..," My head starts spinning and my vision fades in and out.

"Erika, are you okay?" Jared turns to me and I hold up my good arm thats holding the strain.

"I found ..strain PM-1503-3M.. I.. I um.." The ground comes out from beneath me and I feel myself falling. And then it all goes black.

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