Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


A month has gone by since I told Alec I was out of his life. We haven't hardly seen each other at all, only when in the training room once I was finally cleared for it. Well and before I was cleared and still went to train. He wasn't speaking to me so it wasn't like he could stop me.

Although its not what I wanted, clearly it was what he wanted. So I only made it more clear to the both of us and actually admitted it.

We're in the middle of loading the vans for a mission and I'm with Alec's team today. Just my luck..

I'm the last to slide into the van, stuck sitting beside Alec. Also just my luck..

I stare out the back window, trying to avoid looking at him. The van hits an icy patch in the road and starts to slide. There's a big bump once it catches traction again and I go flying up, almost falling when rough hands catch my waist. They seat me back in the seat and hover for a moment and I turn to face Alec in shock. He actually.. He hasn't let go yet.. What do I do??

Realization hits him with his hands on my waist and he quickly releases them.

"Um.. Thanks.." He only nods in response and my eyes narrow, reminding me all over again why I'm done with him.

I stare back out the window and watch as the world passes by. The view is beautiful and takes my breath away.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" One of the soldiers across from me speaks up through the silent.

"Yeah, it is..," it wasn't me who replied though, it was Alec. I turn towards him but he's staring at me instead of the view. His eyes quickly flicker back up at the world flying by and I look away.

The van comes to a halt and my body slides in the seat, bumping into Alec. I quickly move over and open the back door to the van for everyone to exit off.

"Alright listen up! Beta group takes the first through third buildings, Gamma takes fourth through sixth, Alpha group your with me, and taking the seventh through ninth. Delta takes the last two. Move out!" Alec commands and each group spreads out the small town. The vampire population is very small here, something I'm greatful for on my first mission back.

I'm in Alec's group but I let him lead in the front and I stay in the back. The first two of our buildings were easy jobs since they were really small and there's 7 of us.

The last one is much bigger and a lot more ground to cover. We clear out the first few we see and the sound attracts more and more to us. We wait to strike but then the door across the room bursts open and more join. We begin shooting down any who come near.

The sound of windows shattering hits my ears but its too late to realize what's happening. A vampire jumped through the window and tackled me to the floor. I freeze as recognition spreads its way through me of who it is. The vampire that killed my brother. My baby brother..

"Ja- Jakob.." The vampire struggles to speak as he says my brothers name. An angry scream escapes my lips as I try to throw him off. He latches onto my arm and I cry out. He snaps his head at me but I hold it away before he can bite me. "Jakob!" He screams and I begin to cry, sobbing as the painful memories resurface.

"Erika!" Alec's voice distracts me from the emotional pain washing over me. His gun goes off and the vampire goes limp on top of me. And then he's lifted off and I'm being helped to my feet. "What's wrong?"

"He.. he killed my brother.." I turn away from him and wipe the tears from my eyes. The others shoot at any vampires charging at us. His hand rests on my shoulder and I turn to face him. That's when I see it coming. "Look out!!" He quickly turns and jumps in front of me, blocking me from harm. A vampire's claws drag right across his chest, deep and painfully. A cry escapes my lips as Alec falls and instinctively, I grab my gun and shoot the vampire.

"Alec!" I kneel down and he gasps for breath. The claw wound goes from his shoulder and down across his chest. I look around helplessly. "Jared!" He turns and see's Alec and comes running over. "Tell the others to retreat. Now!!" Alec tries to talk but struggles. He's bleeding a lot and fast. I examine the wound amd realize the vampire severed the subclavian artery, near the clavicle and shoulder area. Quickly, I take off my belt and fasten it around his shoulder, around the armpit and near the neck. I take his face in my hands and look in his eyes. "Your going to be okay.. Just stay with me.."

Jared runs back to my side and we both lift Alec up. Everyone retreats to the vans and I lay Alec down in the back of ours as the others cram into the equipment vans.

I grab the medical kit and strip out of my gear, leaving my tank top on. I grab the heart rate monitor and attach it, his pulse is weak but that's to be expected. Tears stream down my face, in fear that he might not make it. He gasps for air, struggling to breath normally.

"Something Val once taught me thats very useful in the field. How to clamp an artery..Jared. Start a central line. Take whatever blood he's losing and recycle it back into him." He does as I say and I steralize the wound, my hands and the tools. I grab the scalpal and hold it above the wound. My hands tremble with all the emotions wracking my body.

I stare down at him and he looks at the scalpal and then at me. I look down at the wound but it blurs from my tears. "Damnit! I can't see anything, I can't stop shaking.. I can't do this.." Jared grabs a towel to wipe my tears so I can see better but my hands still don't stop shaking.

Alec reaches up with his good arm and wraps his hand around my own. He stares deeply in my eyes and something inside me breaks. I squeeze my eyes close and shove all the emotions running through me out. When I open them, I'm no longer shaking or crying.

I look back down at Alec and give him a nod, saying I'm okay. He releases me as I take the scalpal and cut into the wound. Blood squirts out and Jared recycles his lost blood through the line and puts it back into him.

Alec grunts in pain and squeezes his eyes closed but doesn't dare move. I quickly but carefully manage to clamp the artery and pack the wound. Then I tend to the rest of the marks on his chest.

"That was amazing..," Jared stares in shock.

I sink back on the wall and sigh relieved. I look back down at Alec. "Just let me die next time and don't ever put me through that again." I shake my head and then hang it low.

A hand grasps my own and holds onto it. I lift my head and shocking enough, Alec's holding onto it.

Then his eyes close, his grip releases and his hand falls to the floor.

"No pulse!" Jared shouts.

My heart freezes and my body is completely immobile.

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