Chapter 12

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Full warning, the beginning of this chapter is sensitive. Please no that there is hope always and ending life is not okay. If you feel to that point in your life please reach out to someone, a hotline, a loved one, anyone. Because people love you and its worth living life. People will care for you and there will be someone by your side to stand by you. Enjoy and have a wonderful life lovelies! Xoxo

Chapter 12


Another 2 months has passed in this place and I'm officially going out of my mind. I keep contemplating jumping off the balcony, rather than being trapped here.

I'm like a caged animal, begging to be free. But I know freedom isn't coming. I'm a prisoner with nothing. No freedom, no rights, not even acceptance by my family. I have nothing but my room and emptyness. I have no hope anymore.

Climbing over the rail, I sit on the top. I sit on the edge and stare down at the ground. I'm on the 4th floor of the sanctuary but it looks so much higher like this.

Tears stream down my face as my pain encompasses me. I close my eyes as I lean foward, ready to jump and fall straight to the ground.

"Erika, stop!" I already start falling when someone catches my arm. I look up to see Jared as he pulls me back up over the rail.

"Jared?? What the hell?? How??"

"Doesn't matter. This is what you're going to do. You're going to write a letter to everyone, don't reveal where you're going but do say, that if they come for you to take you back they will be outnumbered. I called my sources and you're going to call all yours too. We're going back to the rebels. I'll pack your things. You write your letter and call your sources. And fast before the guard figures out that I'm not supposed to be here."

"Jared.. I.."

"Shh. We wont talk about this right now. Go!"

I hurry to write my parents the letter while Jared packs. I stare down at the paper when words begin to flow out of me and onto the paper.

Dear Everyone,

I can't be in a place I am not meant to be in any longer. There's only one place that's right for me, and yes I could die there. But at least I could die happy, with my life fulfilled. I love you all but if you can't accept and respect my decisions, then you were never truly my family. Where I am is where my family is. We will do great things, I will do great things. Do not look for me. Do not come for me. And don't threaten us. Because I have sources all over the entire world who will soon join us. All, who believe in the same as us. And if you're not with us, then stay out of the way. We will outnumber you. And we will win. I don't want to have to say this but you have left me no choice. I'm an adult, this is my life, and my decision. I choose how to live it, not you. If you can't accept and respect that, then you never cared for me. Instead, you'd rather have me as your prisoner. And I will not do that anymore.
We will see each other again, and I will be safe. I love you all. Goodbye, for now.


I fold the paper and leave it on the bed. I whip out my phone and quickly call all my sources and get them to spread the world for me. While I do that, Jared takes a very long rope from his duffel bag and ties it to the rail for us to propel down to the ground.

Quickly, I hang up the phone and grab my bags. I propel down first and then Jared comes down right after.

I stare around the city. They expanded the walls over the years, taking in more abandoned buildings and turning it into a small walled-off city inside of New York City.

"We stay in the shadows and out of sight. I still have the code for the walls, and once we're out, we're home free." He leads me in the shadows of the small city.

We make it about halfway when we're spotted. "Stop! Its the princess! She's escaping!"

We book it, running around the corner then cutting across to another alley. We run down the alley and take a turn right in the middle of it. Its like a maze and we finally lose them.

"Looks like we'll have to go out the East entrance. They might be on high alert, so we gotta run, and fast."

Nodding, I follow him out of the alleys and back into the shadows of the night.

We make it towards the entrance and then we book it, running faster than ever. Shouts from a distance echo, getting closer and closer.

Jared reaches the doors first and jumps up, sending his fist down on the guards face. 2 others jump out and we both team up to take them out. Once their down, Jared types the code into the lock keypad as fast as possible. The doors open just as the guards come into view.

"Come on!" Jared grabs my arm and pulls me foward. He hits the lock keypad and types another code in to seal the doors. They close just before the guards make it. Jared whips out his gun and shoots the keypad so it can't be accessed. "Our rides a few blocks away. Lets go before they start sending troops from the other entrances."

I nod and run, following close behind him. We keep our running as quiet as we can to avoid any vampires.

A hard force hits me and sends me straight to the ground with a thud. My head spins and my vision starts to go in and out, almost fading to complete darkness. Jared's lips move as he shouts but I hear no words. My ears ring and my head throbs in pain. His gun raises and goes off and the thing that hit me falls dead on top of me.

Finally, sounds start to come back to me as Jared lifts the dead vampire off. "Are you okay??"

"Fine.." I look up and then shout, "Look out!"

He jumps around and shoots the charging vampire before it can reach him. He surveys our surroundings before helping me up. "No more for now. Lets keep moving."

Nodding, my head spins even more and the darkness threatens to encompass me. I stumble and use the wall of the store to support me. I touch my head and wince at the shooting pain. Wetness coats my hand and I look down at the dark blood.

"Hey.. lets take a minute."


He takes a bandage from his bag and puts it over the cut on my head. "No stitches. For sure a concussion though."

"Well duh." I smile and for my head to clear and after some time, I'm good to go. "Let's move."

He nods and we get right back to doing what we were before.

It feels like an eternity before we reach the last block. My heart stops at the car as I stare at the figure leaning on it. His arms are crossed over his chest, staring at the ground, his foot tapping impatiently and every few seconds he checks his watch. His head finally picks up and our eyes finally lock.


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