Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


"The mission is to go into the city and take out all vampires roaming free. From what we've seen, there's near 100 vampires populating the area in each building. But that's what we've seen, we have no idea how many there could be hidden. We'll take them out, town by town and city by city. One day we will rid the world of these animals. Now gear up. Its show time." The director switches off the monitor and the teams scramble to get all of their gear.

I strap on the last of my gear and grab all the ammunition I can carry. We all set out in loaded vans to go to the city. We head off immedietly, once everyone is prepared. I'm not the slightest bit nervous, especially since we've all been vaccinated. But that doesn't always matter when it comes to these creatures.

Against all odds, I know we'll make it. All of us, I can't be sure of. But most of us will hopefully walk away from this intact.

There's only 20 of us set out for this mission, while other teams spread out in other towns and cities. Alec's on another team, as well as Jared going to what was once a small populated town.

The city gets nearer and nearer as we make the drive. Its not large, but it isn't the smallest either. Hopefully, most of the vampires have fled to a warmer climate.

The van rolls to a stop outside of one building and we all exit off. The others come to a stop and the rest of the team emerges from each van.

I turn to everyone and glance up at the building. "You 5, Gamma group, take the first floor and clear it out for the rest of us to get inside. Beta group will take the second floor, Gamma will take the third, Delta fourth, and my group, Alpha, will take the last. Is everyone clear on the plan?" Everyone nods and loads up their guns. "Move out."


We had rid almost every building of all the vampires and now we've reached the last one. Its the biggest of them all, 8 floors and the most populated. We used the same plan for every building but its going to change up for this one.

"There will be 3 groups. 2 will have 7 people and the third will have 6. Beta group, you will have the 6, take the second and third floor. Delta group will clear out the first floor and take the fourth and fifth floor. Alpha will take the rest. If you are outnumbered, fall back and get back to the vans and alert me. If necessary, retreat back to the sanctuary. Everyone ready?" They nod again in response. "Move out."

We haven't lost anyone and for the most part no ones been injured, nothing serious at least.

Delta group charges in and clears out the first floor. The rest of the teams disperse onto each of their floors. The plan was well thought, but we had no idea what we were actually in for.

I lead the Alpha group to the sixth floor. Time has gun by and I hear the teams clearing out the floors below.

Kicking in the door, the team floods the sixth floor of the apartment building. We make our way through the rooms, clearing out whatever stragglers we find. We make it to then seventh floor, but its not apartments anymore. A crowd of vampires fill the floor and I soon realize we are outnumbered. We take out what we can but we have to retreat.

"The stairwell! Go!" I command and we run towards the stairwell entrance. We fill inside and thats when the doors from the floors below bursts open. Vampires fill each floor and there's no way down.

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