Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


"Remember to change out your bandages daily, and strictly on bed rest. No popping your stitches. Take your meds twice a day as perscribed, and no fighting. It'll be some time before your fully healed to go back." The doctor goes on and on about what I have to do now that I'm being released.

When I woke, the only person there was Jared. Its not that surprising that Alec left. He didn't visit at all. Nothing. I know he doesn't really like me after all.

But it still caused sadness that I can't help but feel when I woke up and he wasn't there. Or that he didn't even visit me.

Jared had left to go rest in his room, so I was alone the whole night. I kept hoping maybe Alec would come. But he never did so I just slept.

"I can take it from here, Doc." Jared smiles at her and takes hold of the wheel chair I'm in. My body's too weak to move myself and my stitches are still 'settling' as Jared calls it.

He wheels me to my room and helps me onto the couch. "So how long are you actually going to follow the rules?"

"I wasn't aware I'd be following them at all," I smile and he shakes his head at me. "Oh relax, I might take it easy today." Not for a few days like she said though, I can't lay in bed for that long. And I'm not looking foward to missing out on fighting, but knowing me I'll be back out there before I'm cleared.

"I'll see you later. Try and take it easy for once."

"I'll try. See ya." I wave goodbye as he leaves.

I lay on my side since my back is clawed. There's small claw marks on my hip, thigh and arms but their not as big as the ones on my back. My neck, thighs, and arms were bitten. Even one on my hip but it wasn't too bad there, I had stabbed the vampire before the others had attacked me.

The memories of the attack replay in my mind again. I had hid in the office and the door was busted in. I must have killed 50 or a 100 or more, shooting at every single one that would try coming in. Others had retreated to the other floors but there was still a few left. And then I ran out of ammo.

They had retreated for awhile but then the familiar growling sounds had echoed from outside of the room. I ran to the room all the way in the back and had set up another barracade. But I never got the chance to finish it before 5 of them broke it through. I had staked 2 but the other 3 overpowered me.

I closed my eyes to blink away the memories. I focused on trying to find a way to rest but it was no use. Its uncomfortable and painful no matter how I lay so I give up on trying and just succomb to the pain.


A week had gone by and I'm still not clearwd for fighting. But I don't listen very well so that's not going to stop me.

I still have nightmares about being attacked sometimes, but I suppose those are better than the ones about Jakob.

"How do you feel today?" Jared hands me a sandwitch and I gulp it down. He's been visiting me daily, and even the director has stopped by twice. Twice! But Alec has yet to come. Its like he's trying to avoid me.

"I'm fine." I can't help but feel a little sad and I don't know why, its not like me and Alec really got along or anything. "Hey if you see Alec. Tell him I said thank you. For saving me and all."

He nods. "I should be going. Training session today." He waves bye and leaves me alone with my sandwitch.

"Well at least I got you, my delicious friend." Sighing, I finish the rest and now I don't even have that.

Staying here is so boring that I might scream. I force myself out of bed and pull on my shoes. My body is achy but its nothing compared to the pain of the last few days while I healed. Since my vaccine was the prototype it probably has side effects when bitten. And I was bitten quite a few times so the venom is counteracting with the vaccine.

I walk a few feet and my vision blurs. My head gets dizzy and I grip onto the wall for support. I shake away the feeling and push foward. Just another side effect..

I head to the training room and spot Alec and Jared. I guess Jared was telling him I said thank you but from the look on their faces, it looks like a heated conversation.

"Hey guys," I smile but on the inside I feel like I'm dying. I haven't even moved this much all week and I'm starting to regret it now.

"Erika, what the hell are you doing?? You aren't cleared and you should be in bed!" Jared looks exasperated and I laugh.

"If I stay in that bed any longer I will go out of my mind and scream."

He sighs, "Fine but no fighting. Especially with all the issues you've been having, don't think I didn't notice. You should sit and watch."

"I'll think about it." I smile and turn towards Alec as he starts to walk away. His back is rigid and I can tell somethings wrong.

I walk after him to try and at least thank him in person. And maybe find out where he's been. "Hey you. Haven't seen you in awhile." He barely acknowledges me as he takes his place in front of the punching bag. "Okaaaay then. Well I wanted to say thank--"

"Jared already told me, your welcome. No need to say it again." He punches the bag and the hard force sends it swinging back.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Not unless you've done something and I haven't heard about it." He doesn't even look at me as he punches the bag.

"Where were you? You weren't there, Jared was but you just disappeared and didn't even come by.." Its like he doesn't even hear me. "Hey!" I step in front of the bag as he takes his swing. He quickly stops himself before his fist hits me, merely inches away but I never flinch.

"Move." His eyes narrow and he looks at me for a breif moment before staring past me at the bag again.

"I'm trying to talk to you!" I cross my arms over my chest. I have another dizzy spell and stumble a bit for a moment before regaining my composure.

He just looks at me before going back to the bag. "Stop trying."

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I glare up at him, my blood beginning to boil. He at least acknowledged I existed before. I laugh but there's no humor in it as he ignores me further. His eyes finally come down to meet mine but there's no emotion in them. "Wow. Guess your too Mr. Big Man on campus to give a shit now. Funny how you seemed to care when I was going to die and now you act like you wish I were dead. Have a nice life Alec, because I wont be in it anymore." I walk away because its the only thing I have left to do.

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