Sick Little Games-Prologue

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I haven't said anything to anyone since it happened. People keep asking me if I'm okay, but I don't think I ever will be. I mean how can someone be okay when their parents have just been killed?

No one has actually told me how they died. Not properly. I'm sick of being treated like I'm too young to know the truth about these types of things, and not knowing how they died or who killed them makes everything so much worse. Can you imagine coming home from school one day and your parents are just gone? Literally disappeared? Being locked outside your own house in the pouring rain, waiting for two people to come? They never did. And they never will again.

"Jasey?" The rather too skinny social worker said, peeking around at me through the rear view mirror.

"Jasey, we're here. It's time to get settled in." She said, jumping out of the car and opening my door.

Being the rebellious eleven year old I am, I refuse to get out of the car, wriggling down the seat and crossing my arms over my seat belt. I was not going into the stupid orphanage. Ever.

"Jasey, I know you're upset but we need to go inside." She tugged on my cardigan trying to pull me out of the car, but I just pushed her off. I wanted answers.

"Get away from me." I said, turning to face the other way.

"Fine, I will take your bags inside, and you can come in when you've cooled off. Understand?"

"Fine." I huffed, picking at my fingernails.

I didn't want to go inside the orphanage. Going inside meant more adults asking me stupid questions and more people treating me like I was five years old. But there was a possibility that if I did go inside, I might get some answers about my parents.

I was just really frustrated. I didn't know where I was, my parents were gone and nobody would tell me why or how.

I knew I couldn't stay in the car forever, so I slowly unbuckled my seat belt and stepped out of the car.

The air was freezing to say the least, and my tiny knitted scarf and mittens were doing no help at all. I just wanted to curl up at home with a book, but I knew that would never happen again.

I take a deep breath in, and started slowly making my way down the gravel road. This orphanage was huge and ugly. I already hated it. It was quiet, a little too quiet. I took another deep breath, walked up the stairs, and walked inside. 

The entrance was a huge hallway with an ugly persian rug and a rather large staircase leading up stairs.

"Hello?" I said, poking my head into the door closest to me on the left.

Inside the room is a small sitting room with two couches, a tv and a large window that takes up almost the whole of the back wall. Sitting on one of the couches is a girl, probably about 6 or 7 playing on a Nintendo DS.

"Hello?"  I say again, not sure if the little girl can hear me or not.

Thankfully she does hear me and turns around to face me. "Who are you?" she asks.

"Um I'm Jasey Rae. I'm new here and I don't know where I'm going." I ramble.

The little girl smiles at me. "I can show you!" she says excitedly. "I've been here five years, I know all about this place!"

Five years? That's a long time for someone her age. I start to feel sorry for the girl and wonder how long everyone else has been here.

 The small girl grabs me by the hand and drags me up the the stairs. I let out a big sigh as we reach the top off the staircase where i now see my suitcases sat neatly stacked outside a close door.

The girl knocks three times on the door and gives me a quick smile before skipping back down the stairs.

"Come in," a gruff voice states. I brush the dust off my dress and open the door. The social worker is sat with her legs crossed in an arm chair on one side of the room, and a rather old looking lady is sat on a couch the opposite side of her.

Sick Little Games- Punk Luke Hemmings Fan Fiction *Discontinued*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن