Chapter 3.

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We were sat in a crowded little cafe in the middle of town. It was rather hot and loud but I didn't really mind. I was nervously playing with my fingers, waiting for the mystery Luke's arrival.

I was wearing the only other clothes I had brought with me, which was a Sleeping with Sirens t-shirt and jeans.

Calum had told me a bit about Luke on the way over. He said that Luke had tattoos all over both arms and also has purple hair. But other than that he was quite similar to Calum apparently. They both liked the same bands, and had been friends for a while.

"So what about your other friends?" I asked while we were waiting for Luke. "I mean, you do have other friends don't you?"

"Yeah! My other two best friends are Ashton and Michael. They're also in our band."

"Well, I cant wait to meet them." I said, just as the bell above the door chimed, signaling someone had just entered the café.

"Hey Cal, morning Mr and Mrs Hood." I heard someone say from the other side of the table.

I looked up to see a tall, purple-haired boy, about Calum's age, pulling up a chair across from me. His arms were covered in tattoos and I knew who he was before he even begun to introduce himself. Luke.

"And who's this pretty little thing we have here," he said, looking straight at me.

I blushed.

"This is my sister, now back off." Calum said before I could say anything. Luke held his arms up jokingly and smirked at me. 

"So, how about we order?" Joy said, in an attempt to break the silence. Joy called over a waiter, who was male, and her and David ordered their food first.

The waiter then turned to Luke, his eyes widening as he saw all the tattoos.

"I'll have a bowl of chips."

"Uh, like fries or..."

"No, chips from a packet, but in a bowl."

"Um, right away Sir." I'm pretty sure the waiter just agreed because he was scared of Luke.

The waiter then turned to me, and smiled. I smiled back. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Luke's hands clench into fists.

I ordered a burger and Calum ordered a small pizza. Of course.

15 minutes later, our food arrived. Just as Luke was about to start his chips, the door opened and in walked a boy who I assumed to be Calum and Luke's friend, by the way he slapped them both on the back and sat next to Luke.

"Uh, Jasey, this is Michael. Michael this is Jasey, my sister."

"Hey," Michael said, before stealing a handful of Luke's chips. 

After Michael had finished the chips, he hovered his hand over the bowl and began to rub his fingers together, causing the dust from the chips to fall off his fingers and into the bowl.

"For fuck's sake Michael!" Luke yelled, pushing the bowl out from under Michael's hand.

"Sorry mate."

Luke sighed heavily and slid down in his seat. 

"Hey Luke, if you want you could, uh, have some of my burger?" I rambled.

"Um thanks." He said, sitting up properly again.

I cut my burger in half and gave some to him. As he took it from my hand, his fingers touched mine slightly and I jumped. He smirked at me again, and then took a large bite out of the burger.

This was weird to say the least. I'd never really had any interaction with any males in my childhood, as there was only two boys at the orphanage, and I'd never really talked to any boys as a little kid. But I liked it. The idea of boys gave me this little type of adrenaline rush and I enjoyed every second of it.

I finished off my burger and looked up to see Luke staring at me. What was with this boy, and why did I seem to care so much about his warm stare. Those eyes. I could honestly drown in them. I swear if I start fangirling in the middle of this cafe I will shoot myself.

"Thank you for joining us boys," Joy says to Luke and Michael, when everyone has finished eating.

"Thanks for inviting us," Michael says smiling.

"It was great meeting you Jasey," Luke adds, winking at me. I blushed and put my head down. I knew I was smiling like an idiot but I didn't care.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Luke and Michael walk around the table to give Calum a hug. I stood up to say goodbye and just as I did, Michael grabbed my shoulders and pulled me in for a hug too. I was surprised at first but hugged him back. He released me and said, "Hope to see you again Jasey, you should come to one of our band practices!"

"I would love to, if Calum lets me," I replied laughing. Michael laughed to and walked away to say good bye to Joy and David.

I looked around and spotted Luke staring at me. Again.

"Why do you keep staring at me Luke?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"I, uh," he stuttered. "No reason."

"Jasey!" Calum called from the door. "We're leaving!"

"I gotta go," I said to Luke, turning away to leave.

"Wait," I heard Luke call from behind me. I turned back to look at him, expecting him to say something else. He didn't.

Instead he wrapped his arms around me and tucked his chin into the crook of my neck.  I was quite taken aback. Luke didn't seem like the guy to hug people he just met. In fact he didn't seem like the hug anyone.

I still hugged him back though. And it was a lot less awkward than I thought it would be. He hugged me tight against his chest and I'm not gonna lie, he smelt really good.

He pulled away and ran his hand through his hair. "See you later Jasey" he said, looking down at his feet.

"Bye Luke." He didn't say anything else, so I walked away to the door where Calum was waiting.

Calum shot Luke a glare before wrapping his hand around my arm and tugging me out the door.

"Please Jasey, stay away from Luke." He stated, running his hand through his hair.

"What why?"

"It didn't end well last time."

"Last time?"



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