Chapter 12

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I sit in my seat, shocked. My mouth hangs open and I just stare at the stage. I can feel Luke looking at me but I try my hardest not to make eye contact with him.

"Jasey?" Reid says, touching my arm. I can feel the tears starting to form in my eyes, but I told myself I wouldn't cry over Luke. I run to the back of the café, hoping nobody noticed the few tears that slipped from my eyes. After a short while, I stop and put my back against a wall. I slowly slide down the wall, hands covering my face. Someone is running down the corridor after me and I assume it's Reid coming to check on me, until I hear them call out.

"Jasey! I need to talk to you. Please!" It's Luke. I try to shrink into the wall, wanting to be unseen, but obviously it doesn't work. Luke sees me and stops running. He walks slowly until he's standing next to me, and he too slides his back down the wall.

Neither of us say anything for a while. We sit there in an almost comfortable silence, although I know he wants to say something. He opens his mouth to speak but I cut him off.

"Why did you do that?" I ask.

"You mean the song?" He looks at me. 

"Yes the song. Like why did you write it about me? Why did you feel the need to sing it now, in front of all those people?"

"Jasey I. I honestly don't know. You remember when we met?" I nod. "Well I started writing it that day. Mostly just the tune then. But then after our kiss, after you told me what you did about it being your first kiss and all, I started on the lyrics. I only told Ash about the song. Because well, Calum is your brother and he gets all protective and shit and also Michael would probably tell Reid, who would tell you and I didn't want you to find out. I wanted it to be a surprise."

"You really are something aren't you Hemmings." I smile at Luke.

He chuckles. "Only for you."

I blush and try to hide it but it doesn't work. Luke smirks at me and I playfully punch him on the arm.

"I loved the song, really." I say, making the conversation more serious. "It's just nobody's ever done that for me before, or anything like it actually and I just-"

Luke cuts me off by cupping the side of my face with his hand and slowly caressing my cheek with his thumb. "I get it." His voice sounding deeper than usual. "I'm just glad you liked it." Luke leans in like he's about to kiss me but stops when he hears someone else coming to find us. It's Calum. I'm not sure whether to be mad at Calum for interrupting us or laugh at his perfect timing.

"Luke can I talk to you please" Calum asks with clenched teeth and balled fists.

"Um, okay?" Luke stands up and walks over to Calum

"Go in here Jasey." Calum says pushing me towards a room, following Luke out, and slamming the door.



"Are you okay Calum?" Calum is scaring the shit out of me, and that doesn't happen very often.

"Stay away from Jasey, Luke."

"You can't tell me what to do, Calum." I mock.

Calum grabs me by the collar of my t-shirt and pins me up against the wall. He's always been stronger than me.

"Calum I'm not going to hurt her. She's not like Mali." 

"Don't you fucking dare compare Jasey to Mali" He hisses, before Jasey pushes open to door to reveal our un-pleasant scene.

"What the fuck? Let him go Calum!" She shrieks, instantly making Calum let go of me.

"What is going on?" Her voice cracks slightly.

"Jasey it's noth-" Calum starts before I rudely interrupt him.

"We were just...Play fighting. we do it all the time." I say triumphantly punching him in the gut.

"Uh yeah." He winces.

"Okay?" Jasey says before walking back into the room, leaving the door open slightly.

"Don't you dare fucking hurt her Luke. I'm trusting you." Calum whispers before walking off and leaving me alone with Jasey.

I slide into the room and take a seat on the couch next to her.

"So where were we?" I ask, resting my arm on the top of the couch above Jasey.

"I believe we were somewhere like this." She says before roughly grabbing my face and pulling my lips onto hers.

//sorry bout the short chapter guys but we wanted to upload one soon since we haven't in a while and we're nearly at 1.5k reads omg <3 love you guys hope you enjoyed this//

Sick Little Games- Punk Luke Hemmings Fan Fiction *Discontinued*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora