Chapter 14

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//I literally sobbed while writing this so please enjoy and try not to die over the American Horror Story references -Bella//

I'm still buzzing over my date-thing with Luke even though it's already been 12 hours. The boys have some band stuff to do before we have to back home so me and Reid decided to stay in the hotel with all the lights off and Tumblr. Well I was on Tumblr, now I'm being that weird fangirl and searching 5sos up on Google. The first things that come up are links to the boy's twitters and Facebook. I am about to switch back to Tumblr when the title of a gossip website's article about Luke catches my eye.

I decided to click on it and almost immediately closed it. I let my eyes linger for a little while at the photo attached to the side. I slammed the lid of my laptop shut. My eyes lingers out the window for a few moments before I caught the reflection of someone standing by the door. Luke.

"I'll leave..." Reid coughs, standing up and walking over to Luke.

"She knows you kissed another girl last night Luke. We both saw the article. You're a dick." I hear Reid hiss before the door slams and the tension in the room rises.

"You know Luke," I begin, still looking at the window, not daring to look at him.

"You know what hurts the most?" He stays silent, still standing in front of the door.

"What hurts the most? That I care about your feelings more than mine." My voice cracks slightly as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"Jasey... I swear that article isn't real! It's photoshoped! I would never do that to you." He lowers his voice, and I see a glance of him running his hands through his newly dyed blonde hair through the reflection in the window.

"You my friend are god damn filthy. And this is a god damn filthy world. I am so done with all your sick little games and playing with my heart. Calum told me you were no good for me and I was too stupid to see it. I'm not good enough for you. I'm just an average girl. Just another toy you can play with and Luke, I will have nothing to do with you and your games. Go take your stupid song and shove it up your ass because I, am so very done with you Lucas Robert Hemmings." The words fall too quickly from my mouth and I pull my jacket over my shoulder and storm up to Luke with no hesitation.

"I'll leave you alone from now on if that's what you want. Is that what you want?" He speaks, his eyes puffy.

"Please, just move." I croak, pushing him out of my way and opening the door, slamming it shut behind me before I burst into a fit of tears.


-Luke's P.OV-

I walked up onto the stage of the cleared cafe, picking up my guitar and sitting on the edge, dangling my legs down. I sat there for a while, staring into oblivion. Thinking. Less of thinking, more of regretting. I aimlessly started strumming the guitar, not to anything in particular, just something not that I can remember what song. I let the tears spill down my cheeks. I never cried. For anyone, the thought of appearing weak to anyone killed me inside but I couldn't help it. Jasey was the first person who I genuinely, properly cared about and me, being the idiot I am, couldn't even keep her for more than a few weeks. The tears continue to stream down my face as I think about Jasey's face when she saw the picture. I hurt her. Everything that she's feeling right now is my fault. I hate myself becasue of what I did to her and I wouldn't surprised if the whole damn world hated me now, in fact, it'd probably be a good thing.

I  clumisly throw my guitar behind me and jumped off the stage, rubbing my eyes and composing myself before walking out of the cafe and out onto the busy street. My eyes are foggy and all i can hear is my heavy breathing. 

"Luke." I distinguish Jasey's voice and spin around to look at her but I'm met with an empty ally way. I stumble down it, rubbing my eyes, trying to clear my sight. I see a bench at the end of the ally way and sit down, letting my thoughts take over.


Sick Little Games- Punk Luke Hemmings Fan Fiction *Discontinued*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora