Chapter 17

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//just gonna start off saying how horrible of people we are for not updating this in nearly two months wow. but it really has been a crazy few months for both of us as I (Bella) just moved schools and I moved away from Ella ): So we haven't really had time to write this but we're back! Sorry about the crazy long wait and thank you all that have supported is on writing this we love you all. Enjoy xx//

High school was never something I thought I would enjoy. The thing I have always been afraid of about high school is everyone seems to have a place, a group, a label or something they fit into, but I hate the idea of a label or a group or place. I like the feeling of being alone and unknown it gives me a strange feeling of wanderlust.

I'd taken the last few days I had to go shopping for clothes as Joy had pretty much forced me to buy something nice. My idea of something nice was a black, long-sleeved crop top, a pair of skinny jeans, black docs, a flannel and Ashton's hat which I had stolen from him.

Joy drove me to school for my first day. "So, are you excited to start school?" She asked happily, while I continued to stare out the window. I turned my head and smiled at her. "I guess, I mean I'm a bit nervous but I'm sure I'll be fine." I didn't want her worrying about me too much. "You will be fine sweetie. The boys will come pick you up after school, Calum said they wanted to take you out to celebrate." Joy pulls up outisde the school and calls after me as I get out of the car, "Make some friends!"

I find my way to the main office and stand their awkwardly waiting for someone to notice me. A lady, who I'm assuming is the prinicipal, walks up to me and shakes my hand. "You must be Jasmine, welcome to Hungrig Nilpferd School." //if anyone can tell us what this says, we'll dedicate the next chapter to you lol//

"Thank you, but please call me Jasey." I say smiling at her.

"Well then Jasey, this is Max and they'll be showing you around for your first day." She nods to a girl about my age -Max- standing next to her. I smile at Max, who gestures towards the door.

"Why Max?" I ask, as we walk down the corridor. "I'm genderqueer so I guess sometimes I feel more masculine and other times I feel more feminine. I don't know, I just prefer it." Max replies, smiling at me.

"That's cool," I say smiling back. Max stops outside a classroom and turns to me. "Welcome to your first class. I'll meet you here after to take you to your next one. And maybe at lunch I could introduce to some of my friends?"

"I'd like that. Thank you for showing me around today, I know it's probably really annoying." I say, laughing slightly. "I'll see you later." I give Max a small wave as I enter the classroom.

*skip to lunchtime*

"Okay," Max says as I sit down at the table. "This is Evie, Amandie, Ria, Hannah and Hannah's boyfriend Finn. Guys this is Jasey, it's her first day."

They all smile at me and a girl-who I now know as Ria- invites me to sit next to her. I sit down and start to eat my lunch. "So Jasey," Ria says suddenly, "tell us about you."

"Um well," I say nervously. "My parents died when I was 11 and I lived in an orphanage until not long ago when I was 'adopted', you could say, into the family that I'm living with now. This is the first proper high school that I've been to and I don't have many friends apart from my brother and his friends. And yeah, that's pretty much my life story." I look down at my lap, not wanting to look at their faces.

"Who's your brother? Do we know him?" Amandie says in an effort to make things less awkward for me. I send her a small smile. "Calum Hood. He used to go here."

"Hey! I've seen him. He's hot." Evie says without thinking. Everyone laughs and I join in. "Not as hot as his friend Luke though." I stop laughing. "I see him around town all the time and I die a little each time." Everyone continues laughing at Evie's comment but I stay silent. "Hey Jasey, are you alright?" Max asks.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. I gotta go though. I'll see you guys later." I quickly gather my things and walk away from the table. I shouldn't of acted like that I know. But everytime someone mentions Luke I get awkward. Now they're all gonna think I'm so weird. Fuck, so much for making friends. At least there's only two more classes left and then I can leave.

I walk into my last class of the day and I see Hannah and her boyfriend -I think his name was Finn- sitting at a table at the back. I can't decide whether I should go sit next to them or not but the decision is made when Hannah waves me over and pats the seat next to her. "Hey Jasey." They both say smiling at me. "Hey," I reply quickly.

"What was that at lunch today?" Hannah whispers, as the teacher starts the class. "You just left with no explanation."

"Oh um, I just wasn't feeling very well. I'm sorry." I look down at my book and try to avoid any more conversation.

As promised, the boys are waiting for me outside school when the bell rings. "How was school?" Michael basically yells at me when I get in the car, next to Luke. "It was okay I guess. It'll take me a while to get used to it but I did meet some cool people, which was nice." Luke places a hand on my thigh and keeps it there the entire drive to the cafe.

I'm squished into a booth between Luke and Ashton -not that I mind. While everyone is quietly eating and having their own conversations, Luke grabs my hand suddenly and whispers in the my ear, "Jasey, when we get back to your place, I really need to talk to you."

Sick Little Games- Punk Luke Hemmings Fan Fiction *Discontinued*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat