Chapter 10

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When I wake up, I am no longer on the floor of the bedroom. I am lying in one of the beds, that now has clean sheets and has been made. The TV is turned off and there is no longer bits of food all over the floor.

I sit up properly in the bed, just as Reid walks into the room. "Morning," she says smiling at me.

"Don't you morning me! Tell me all about last night!" I laugh.

"It was perfect. He's perfect. Everything was perfect. I just." She replied looking down at her feet.

"Awww. You guys are too cute."

"Now how about you?"

"Huh?" I say, confused.

"The boys told me you kissed Luke. Don't even try to deny it."

"I, yeah, we kissed. But I don't even know what it means, like, I can't figure out if I like him or just the idea of him, if I just liked that kiss because it was my first one or if we actually had a connection. I don't know what to think." I find myself opening up to Reid.

"I can't exactly tell you what to think. But I can tell one thing. I don't know Luke very well, like we're friends and stuff but we're not exactly close. But I know that kiss meant something to him. I know you mean something to him."

I sit there and look at Reid. "Did he say something?"

"Didn't you wonder how you ended up in the bed after you went to sleep on the floor? I mean I cant exactly pick you up."

"I guess?"

"I woke up just after you fell asleep I think. And the room was a mess, as you know. I cleaned everything up and got new sheets and made the beds. And then I realized I couldn't leave you on the floor, so I tried to move you, but I wasn't strong enough and I didn't want to wake you. So I went to the boy's room for some help and Luke was the only one awake. I asked him to pick you up and put you to bed." Reid smiles proudly.

"I don't see what this has to do with him liking me?" I ask, puzzled.

"It was the way he looked at you, just like the way Flynn looked at Rapunzel in Tangled. It was the way he picked you up so gently, like he was afraid you would break. It was the way he lay you down in the bed and pulled up the covers to your chin so you would be warm. It was the way he kissed your forehead before he left. And the way he looked back at you just as he was closing the door to make sure nothing happened to you. I don't know if he'll ever admit what happened but I know what I saw."

"I.. I don't kno- wait did you just make a Tangled reference?"

Reid laughs. "You're missing the point Jasey."

"I don't know what to feel or what to think or anything. I need some time."

"I'm not pushing you into anything. But I do think you should talk to Luke." She smiles at me before walking out the door, going to find Michael, I presume.

I get out of the bed, grab my clothes and go take a shower to get my mind off things. When I walk out, washed and changed into shorts and a BVB t-shirt, I see Luke standing by the window. I cough loudly to get him to notice my presence.

He turns around and I notice his eyes sweep up and down my body. " Saw that Hemmings." I say, rolling my eyes.

"See what?" Luke pretends to act innocent, but he knows he's been caught. "They boys and Reid have left already. They forced me to wait for you."

"Don't act like you didn't want to wait for me, you're just looking for an excuse to talk to me." Before Luke can respond, I quickly say something else. "Which is good, because, I uh, I need to talk to you too."

"About what?" Luke looks confused.

"Just...Everything really."

"Okay. Uh, like what exactly?" He responds fiddling with his thumb ring.

"Why do you act like you do around me?" I blurt.

"What? Act in what way?"

"You like... flirt with me and lead me on and then act as if I'm just some other girl and am I just some other girl or do I mean something to you or i just-" My words run together in one swift line before I am rudely interrupted by Luke places his finger over my lips, shushing me.


"I prefer Jasey." I scoff.

"You're not just another girl. In all honesty, there hasn't really been many other girls."

I didn't really have much to say after he said that. I didn't know if I should believe him or not but either way he has a show to perform.

"We should go." I say, pulling my jacket on and walking out the room.

 {so this is like more of a filler chapter so we can focus more on what happens in the concert in the next chapter woop woop.}

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