Chapter 11

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Luke walks exactly one step behind me the whole way to the venue for their concert. He doesn't talk to me about what just happened like a part of me wished he would.

When we arrived at the venue, I see Ashton and Calum unloading instruments from the van that the boys and Reid drove here. I walk up to the van, in search for Reid but I can't see her. "Hey guys do you know where Reid went? I kinda need to talk to her about something." I ask.

"About what? What happened? Are you okay?" Calum answers the same time Ash says "pretty sure her and Mike are making out somewhere."

"Yeah I'm fine. I just need to talk to-" Michael and Reid walk out from behind a building and the rest of us turn to look at them as they walk. Reid is blushing but Michael looks triumphant. I walk quickly over to them, grab Reid's hand and start to pull her away from everyone else.

"Hey! Don't take my girlfriend away from me." Michael says coming after us.

"Fuck off Michael." My patience is running thin. Reid gives Michael a look that says 'Don't worry, we just need some girl time.'

I'm sure she's told Michael about me and Luke, if he hasn't already figured it out for himself.

"Jasey, stop pulling me so hard and just tell me what happened." Reid says.

I sigh and let go of her hand. "I talked to Luke and now I'm even more confused than ever. I asked him why he acts the way he does around me and what I meant to him. Then he was like 'there hasn't been many other girls' and I don't know if I should believe him or not." I try to get everything out as quickly as possible. I feel like I'm about to start crying but I won't let myself.

"Hey, hey, calm down. Boys are confusing, I know. Don't get upset about it though. You're both confused about your feelings toward each other and neither of you have really dealt with these sort of feelings before so it's totally fine that you don't know what to think. I'm sorry for telling you all those things Luke did last night, they probably just confused you more. But it was so cute and I had to tell you. Just enjoy the concert okay? Don't stress about everything too much."

"Okay." I say. She's right. This is the first time I'll get to see the boys perform properly and I should try and enjoy myself.

Reid and I walk back to the boys van just as they're finishing getting all their instruments set up and ready. As soon as Michael sees us, he runs over and outs his arm around Reid. He glares at me and I put my hands up in defense. He laughs. "Sorry Jasey, I just get really protective."

"All good. Sorry for taking her." Michael smiles at me and looks like he's about to say something else but I cut him off. "Where's Luke?" He's not with the boys and I can't see him anywhere.

"He said he had to do something privately. I don't know what." Ashton says as he turns to me and shrugs.

"He took his guitar with him, so he's probably on the stage practicing or something." Calum tells me. Closing up the door of the van.

"Okay, thank you." I start walking in the direction of the stage.

"Wait, Jasey." Reid calls after me. I turn around to face her. "Are you sure this is a good idea? Going to find him I mean. What happened to not stressing about it?"

"I have to make sure he's okay and stuff." I say, awkwardly. Reid nods and walks back to Michael.

I continue walking towards the stage, thinking about what I'm going to say to Luke if I see him. When I reach the stage, I walk up the side stairs and see Luke sitting on the edge of the stage, guitar placed on his lap, strumming some random tune.

"Hey," I say, sitting next to him. He stops strumming and looks up at me.

"Oh, hey." Hey says, looking down at his lap.


"A little" He chuckles, picking up his guitar again and continuing to strum.

"You'll be great, I promise." I say, placing my hand on his leg.

"You think?" He smiles at me, sending butterflies erupting in my stomach.

"Yeah" I reply before standing up.

"Good luck. I'll be standing right at the front if you needd me." I quickly say before making my way back off stage.


I find a seat at the front of the venue, right near the stage. A young man comes and sits next to me. "You a fan of this bands?" I smile a little. "You could say that," I giggle. "You?"

"Nah I'm just here because my sister forced me to drive her and her friends to see these guys. What are they called again?"

"5 Seconds of Summer," I say laughing. "I'm sure you'll love them."

Just before the guy can say something else, the boys walk out on stage. Luke stands at the front of the stage in the middle, with Calum on his left and Michael on his right. Ashton is behind them sitting at his drum kit. Calm starts to say something into the microphone but before I can hear what he's saying, the guy sitting next to me extends his hand out to me and tells me his name is Louis.

"Jasey," I say, shaking his hand.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Louis says, staring at me.

"Um, thank you?" Out of the corner of my eye I can see Luke watching me and Louis. He looks almost jealous. I am thankful when Reid walks over to me and asks Louis to leave so she can sit with me.

"Find me later," Louis says. "I would love to talk to you again."

I just smile at him, unsure of what I should say. Reid sits down next to me. "What was that all about?" She asks.

"I have no idea. He just sat down and started talking to me." I answer truthfully.

The boys play 3 songs; Heartbreak Girl, Unpredictable and a cover of I Miss You by Blink-182. They are about to play a fourth song, when Luke stops them. Me and Reid look at each other, confused. Cal and Michael look just as confused as us. Although Ashton is smiling. Luke steps closer to the microphone.

"I'm sorry for the interruption everyone, but I've been practicing a new song for a while now. This song is about someone who truly does mean a lot to me and she'll know who she is as soon as the song starts, if she doesn't already know now." He laughs nervously but doesn't look at me. "This is called Jasey Rae."

*Guys is you haven't heard this song, I don't know what you're doing with your life. I suggest listening to the 5sos cover while reading this, but then make sure you listen to the original by All Time Low :) x*

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