Junkrat x Reader | What a Christmas

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(!This chapter has some inappropriate content!)


It was finally Christmas, it's been a year now since I became a real member of overwatch. I was so happy but I didn't really act like it, I sat up in my room on this Christmas Day while I watched the others outside from my room. They were all smiling, throwing snowballs and building snowmen, roadhog was building little snow-piggies. Even widowmaker and reaper were here, it was amazing that on this special day everyone could put their differences aside and get along with each other. They were all so happy, so why aren't I down there? Because I was too busy thinking about my family, I never knew what happened to them after the omnic attack, honestly I didn't want to know.

I was soon interrupted by a knock at my door, I yelled from them to enter but no one did, I yelled out to them again and still no response so I got up and opened the door, when I did there was a huge box wrapped in ribbons and kittie Christmas paper. I brung the box inside and sat next to it, "I can't open it yet" I sighed to myself as I laid my head on the box, I started to close my eyes but as I did so the box moved, I got up and stumbled backwards hitting a cupboard behind me.

I started to hear a mumbled screamed for help, still in pain I opened the box. When I opened the box I was shocked to see a curled up Junkrat with a cute cat little vest, a taped on tail and cat ear hair clips, he had his metallic hand on his chest gasping for air, "hey sheila- I mean meow!" Junkrat gave me a shy smile.

"What the hell are you doing?" I raised an eyebrow at him,

"Heh uh I know that you w-wanted a kitty for Christmas sooo-Meow!" Junkrat always did things to make me smile and laugh, he's so adorable, he crawled out of the box and flicked his tail at me.

I smiled and grabbed him, "you're so cute at fluffy" I laughed "this is really sweet of you Jamie," he looked up at me and licked my face, "gah seriously" I wiped my face, while he sat down laughing and laughing, "at least you didn't bite" I giggled. He stopped and gave me mischievous smile, Junkrat crawled towards me and before my mind registered what was happening, Junkrat pounced at me.

(!Warning this is where things are gonna get hot!)

He was now laying on top of me, he put his lips down next to my ear and gave it a soft bite, "yer a good girl ain't 'cha, you wo-" before he finished I flipped us both over so I was on top now. "I'm good when I want to be, but trust me I can be bad if I want to" I started to undo the vest he had on, once it was off I pinned his arms down with my hands, he took a deep breath in as I trailed my tongue up from his belt buckle to the top of his chest. Not making any eye contact or saying a word, I got up and stopped, when I did I heard him let out a sigh, I took off the long thin coat I was wearing. Underneath I had a revealing santa outfit on with high top boots, I turned around to Junkrat "so what do you want for Christmas?"

Junkrat bit his bottom lip, scanning me from top to bottom before getting up. He grabbed me and softly ran his metallic fingers through my hair, with his other hand tracing my ripper, he gave me a smile full of lust "well y/n let's start by taking those clothes off even though they look sexy on ya" he meowed.

Junkrat threw me onto the bed and laid on top of me, I was now in nothing but my underwear, Junkrat pressed his lips against mine. Our kiss started soft and slow but he quickly got bored of that and grabbed the back of my head running his fingers through my hair, our kiss got more desperate and rough, we were both gasping for air from time to time, I lead my hands down to his pants and began to unbuckle them practically ripping them right off. We broke our kiss and Junkrat placed his hand under my back, raising my chest higher, he took his tongue and started to lick my stomach, then my breast, my neck he started to seductively started to kiss and suck my neck, he raised his head and looked at my neck "that's what you call a hickey" he breathed heavily.

I looked him in the eyes, his beautiful amber eyes sparkled as he smiled and soon faded when I gave him a cheeky, mischievous smiled. I once again flipped us both so I was on top, I kissed him all the way down to the rim of his boxers where I stopped and moved to his hip, I licked him and started to do what he did to me I kissed and sucked his hip, when I pulled away I laughed "NOW that's what you call a hickey"

"I agree baby" Junkrat chuckled

"Don't call me baby, baby" I smiled at him.

An hour later

We were both breathing heavily, I rested my head on Junkrat's chest, I could hear his heart racing and so was mine, "that was fun" Junkrat smiled

I looked up at him and smiled back "y-yeah it was"

"I love ya sheila" he chuckled

"Love ya too, my kitty" I kissed him.

Tonight was the best Christmas I've had in while, I got to spend it with the love of my life and we had some fun too, I loved Jamison he was an amazing person, he was crazy, adorable, funny, cheeky, explosive, rough, and a really kind person at heart, we've never done anything like this before but it was amazing.

30 minutes later

The whole group was now sitting down around the Christmas tree and next to the fire. It was time to hand out the Christmas presents, Junkrat and I were cuddling with each other the whole time, Tracer leaned towards me "weeeell y/n what happened?"

"What?" I looked at her shocked

"You two look very happy, so something must of happened" she smiled

"Uhh...we just-I just- he jus-"

"I just spent Christmas with the love of my life" Junkrat entered the conversation and ending the awkwardness

"Soooo cute!" Tracer awed.

It finally got to my present for Junkrat, I gave him a plate of his favorite homemade cookies, a blueprint from a new bear trap design and a huge kiss that I slightly got a bit to into, when I pulled away my face became red as I noticed everyone staring at me. Soldier 76 ended the silence with a cough "Jamison now your present for y/n" Junkrat looked embarrassed as he let out a long sigh "uh well 'bout that sheila, I uh well-"

"It's okay spending Christmas with you was the best present of all" I smiled and honestly I didn't care about getting a present from Junkrat he was my present, the whole room turned into cheers and awws "that's so cute," "how sweet" and "true love" got shouted around the room. Jamison stood up and pulled me up too, he coughed clearing his throat "I'm kidding sheila, I got you a present"

"You didn't have to" I blushed, it was sweet of him to actually get me a present, Roadhog smiled at me, for once he had his mask off, "well if I didn't get you a present what kidda boyfriend would I be...or if this go well, fiancé" Junkrat continued, my mind didn't properly realize what was going on until.

Jamison was on one knee in front of me, he held out a little black box with a golden ring and a love heart shaped diamond in it, "W-will you marry me y/n?" Junkrat proposed to me, it finally happened I was so happy a little to happy. I got down and practically knocking him down when I kissed him, "I guess that's a yes?" Tracer giggle, hearing her words snapped me back to reality, I pulled away and screamed "Yes! Yes yes yes!"

"Thank you thank you thank you, You've made me the happiest man alive sheila!" Junkrat smiled in excitement, our lips met once more as the room burst into cheers and claps.

"I love you Jamison" I looked into his eyes

"I love you too baby" he cheekily smiled.

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