Birthday - Junkrat x Reader

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I don't really have much information or comment to make on this story but uh yeah sorry if this story is a pile of shit, I don't know what I'm doing with life at the moment so I hope you enjoy, sorry if none of this makes sense but I hope it does. :D


It was finally my day off, working at the 'Greenline Cafe' was so tiring at times. It was busy everyday I would never get a break but today was special, it was my birthday. I didn't have a family, my work mates were my only friends and even they didn't really like me. I was what you could call an 'outcast', a 'disappointed and a 'loser', technically every name a bully could think of. I decided to spend my 25th birthday at the 'Greenline Cafe', it was a nice place, the food was amazing here too. I already knew what I was gonna get, the best meal there. I had bought a new diary for my birthday, I took out a pencil and started to write, 'It was my 25th birthday and I still hadn't someone that gets along with me, I was still alone in my small apartment, dude I need to get a new apartment'.

I was writing for around twenty minutes until the food got here. When I started to eat, my most frequent and favorite customer came in, Jamison. He always ordered the same things but it was confusing, I could see my co-mate struggling to understand what Jamison was saying, so I walked up and wrote it down for him. When Jamison saw me a smile lit up his face, "y/n! Thank god yer 'ere, I started to think you were gone... wait why aren't cha in ya work clothes?" Jamison was a great guy, he wasn't always the cleanest, he was always covered in soot but he was funny and sweet. "It's my birthday, so I'm not working today" I smiled walking back to my seat, Jamison paid for his food and sat in the chair in front of me. "Hey uh happy birthday y/n" Jamison pulled out $100 and slid it across the table to me, I was shocked, yeah he was nice to me but I can't take his money, "Jamie this is your money I can't take it you're a customer" I exclaimed. He sighed "then take it as a friend" I paused, did he just call me his friend? "Jamie bu-"

"Shhhhhh...take the damn money sheila" he pushed the money onto my lap. "Thank you Jamison, how about we go somewhere to day, I have a spare movie ticket if you'd like to come with me" I asked as Junkrats food arrived to the table "thank you mate, I'd love to come with ya y/n" he smiled, "sweet, so we'll go after lunch" I started to eat, Jamison nodded and we ate.

We both had finished our food and left, we walked to the movies. We picked a movie to watch, bought some popcorn and drinks, then went inside. It was an hour or so before we left, "that movie was awesomeness" I threw my empty cup in the bin

"The movie was 'awesomeness'?" Jamison raised an eyebrow, I stopped and thought about the sentence I had just said "yes the movie was awesomeness, do you have a problem with that Jamison"

"No no no, not at all, I agree that the movie was awesomeness" he chuckled, I smiled at his laugh, I always thought he had a cute laugh but it seems that his laugh has gotten cuter, if that's possible. Jamison walked me home, I lead him inside and the first thing he noticed was a photo of me as a two year old "aw is that you?" I turned to see what he was talking about and blushed "yep I was a cute yet weird two year old" I mumbled. "You are pretty cute" he blushed and looked at me "I mean as a kid, ya know uh as this little one...heh" he grabbed the photo from my shelf, "not to be creepy at all but do ya 'have anymore photos of little you?"

"Uh yeah somewhere, I'll go find them, just take a seat there" I gestured for him to sit on the couch, he sat down while I left the room. 'I'm so glad Jamison's here, it's really nice to have him around, I feel happy around I have feelings for him? Pff no I barely know him, but do I like him?' I thought to myself as I got a old photo album of me as a kid. I gave to Jamison and he looked through it, I told him about most of the photos I could remember, he said I looked cute or adorable in all of them, even the ones I'm making weird faces in or crying.

"Well it's gettin' late sheila, I should probably be goin' so..." he stood up to leave, I looked down, I was pretty sad he was leaving, I really enjoyed his company, it was fun having him around. I looked up and before I said anything he continued "or...not to be weird or nothin', if ya have a spare room I could crash in, I'd love to stay over with ya...unless ya have plans with someone"

"I do have a spare room and I do have plans with someone" I sheepishly said, he looked down as if he was sad "okay then, I guess I'll leave then"

"I have plans with someone named Jamison Fawkes" I smirked at him

"Yay, so that means I'm stayin'?" He sneakily crossed his fingers and put them behind his back. "Hmm what if I have another friend called Jamison Fawkes" I smiled "very unlikely" I whispered to myself. He came up to me and gave me a hug "thanks for lettin' me stay tonight sheila"

"Whatever you idiot, come on I'll show you to your room" I grabbed his arm and pulled my in a room. The room was small but tidy since I never use it, the room had one window right above the bed, the window wasn't able to shut properly because the last owner broke it, there was a small desk that was placed next to the bed, it had a dim lighted lamp on it. Jamie sat on the bed, as his body hit the bed you could hear the springs creak, I could tell Jamie was a bit uncomfortable about the room but he still gave me a reassuring smile "I love it"

"Hm? I'll go get you a few blankets it gets cold in here" I smiled back, I stood on the tips of my toes, stretching my arms up to reach the top shelf where I kept the blankets. "Do ya need help there y/n?" Jamison laughed, I looked back at him and rolled my eyes, I took a step back, then ran towards the shelf placing my foot on a box and pushing up, reaching a blanket. "I don't need help, but thanks" I handed he the blanket "if you need anything just knock on my door"

"Thanks and I will" he gave me a surprised and impressed look, I left the room closing the door behind me.

I entered my bedroom and got ready for bed, my room wasn't much different to the spare room beside my room was more messy and has more stuff in it. I got into bed and tried to get to sleep but I could hear Jamison shivering in the other room, I know he wouldn't come to me so I had to go to him. I knocked on the door and slowly opened the door to see Jamison curled into a ball wrapped in his blanket shivering, "Jamie...Jamison are you awake" I whispered walking over to him, I slightly poked him to see if he'd respond aanndd nothing, nothing at all 'great just great' I thought to myself. I picked him up and held him tight to me, slowly carrying him to my room, I placed him on my bed and under the blankets, I saw a soft smile appear on his face, putting a smile on my face. I layed down next to him 'he looks so cute when he's sleeping because he's finally peaceful-' my eyes widened as Jamison put his arms around me, pulling me close to him. I tried to get out of his grip, only making him hugged me tighter, "Jamison, psst Jamie you awake?" I whispered. He started to make a snoring noise, I could tell it was fake but I played along "great he's asleep, I might as well go to sleep too" I relaxed my body and as I did Jamison quickly opened his eyes, seeing me still awake he shut his eyes. "I knew you were awake" I laughed

"So, it's not like I'm lettin' go of ya" he chuckled

"Good I don't want you to let go, you're nice and warm" I hugged him back "now go to sleep, I need to wake up early tomorrow"

"No you're not, if ya try gettin' outa' bed I'm gonna cling onto you" he smiled, I ruffled his hair "I picked you up and put you in my bed, I think I can pick you up and get you off me"

"Whatever I'm going to sleep" Jamison put his head onto my chest

"Okay good night Jamison" I kissed his forehead, he froze up for a few seconds then relaxed "goodnight y/n and happy birthday" he kissed my cheek and pulled me close to his body.

Today was officially the best birthday I've ever had, all thanks to Jamison Fawkes.

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