Childhood story! - Junkrat x Reader (my fav)

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So sorry about this long ass chapter I kinda really got into this story so I really hope ya enjoy it. Also you're starting off by remembering your childhood and then it goes back to the present, in the present you're trying to destroy any information Talon has on the whereabouts of Overwatch, you're with Junkrat whom has a broken arm and a damaged leg.


There were two little kids who lived in a very unwelcome, unsettled and unloved town. People there were rude and ruthless, they didn't care how you felt about them, whether you like them or hate them, they hate you. There were only a few family's that were kind, but they were the families that couldn't support themselves.

There was this little 10 year old boy who belonged to a broken family so broken it was only him and his mother left. Then there was me, I was a little 9 year old girl when this story started so let's continue.

My childhood was sad, I didn't have any friends, it was kinda my fault but I couldn't change myself to fit in. I didn't get on with the girls in my town because I didn't like to style my hair, paint my nails or dress in dumb dresses and skirts all day. I didn't get along with the guys either, mostly because I played 'too roughly'  when they wanted to fight but I thought that's what fighting was, also most of the guys were scared of me because my dad has been to jail and he's shorter than others but stronger than most.

I was walking around trying to make friends but every time I opened my mouth they'd walk away, the times people actually let me talk once I'd finish talking them laugh at me. Just as I was about to give up I saw this boy who look my age, so I went to him and asked "hi! I'm y/n would you like to be my friend?"

He sharply turned around and looked at me with a mixed emotion "what? You wanna be friends?" He sounded sad but looked angry,

"Yes, or are you just gonna laugh and walk away like everyone else?" I placed my hands on my hips and raised an eyebrow,

"No, I'd like to be your friend! My names Jamie well it's actually Jamison but everyone says that's a dumb name" He ran up to me,

"Well I think your name is cute!" I grabbed him and hugged him. He froze in surprise when I hugged him, I let go of him and smiled, I was always a clingy person, sometimes it made people uncomfortable but I never noticed. After talking for a little bit we found a couple of sticks and started sword fighting. I lunged at him, putting my 'sword' between his arm and chest, "haha I got you now, die!"

"Never!" Jamison broke my 'sword' right in half and threw his to the ground then ran at me, tackling me to the ground. We played for two hours or so until it got late.

We started to walk but to Jamison's house but when we got there I was shocked. His house was falling apart while we stood there, there was trash all around the house and when we went inside there were three rooms, the bathroom, that lucky hadn't fallen apart, the kitchen which had a big hole in the wall leading into the lounge room, the lounge room had a small pile of clothes in what used to be a corner and then had sheets on the ground where Jamison's mother laid.

Jamison went over to his mother and whispered to her, she turned over to face me, she looked at me up and down, looked at Jamie then to me and spoke, "so you've made a new friend, hello sweetie it's nice to meet you, my son is a very nice boy, I'm so glad he made a friend" I walked over and hugged her "yes he is, he's my first and only friend, so I'm glad to have him" Jamie blushed and asked if they were eating night, his mother look at him and shook her head, Jamie looked down and took me outside. He forced a smile on his face and asked "would you like to play again"

I looked down and said "maybe but I have to go somewhere and I'll be back"

Jamie looked at me like he was going to cry but held back his tears "I know you won't come back, no one ever does"

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