Ending of Total Meihem with Junkrat

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It's only been a week since Junkrat and I had been together, we've gone on a couple date after our first date. We love being together, we have a lot in common and we laugh at the same things. Mei hates me more than ever,

Junkrat tells me just to ignore it, when I asked him if he knows why Mei is always mad at me, he tells me he doesn't know and honestly neither do I.

One day Junkrat and I went to the movies, it was around halfway through the movie, I drank a lot of soda and I started to regret it. "Hey babe I'm gonna go to the bathroom, be right back" I hugged Junkrat

"Bye" he waved. I went to the bathroom but they were getting renovated so I had to find somewhere else, Mei was at the movies too which was uh nice, I guess. She saw me and waved me over "there's a spare toilet over here"

"Oh thanks Mei, bye" I ran passed her. I was washing my hands when I heard Mei laughing from outside, I tried opening the door but it was locked, I tried jiggling the handle but it didn't budge. The room started to get cold, ice began to cover the door, it was so cold, I started to hyperventilate I was stuck in a small toilet stall and I was cold.


Mei walked into the cinema and sat next to Junkrat "hello Jamison"

"Hey Mei, have ya seen y/n she kinda disappeared" he asked, Mei hung her head "she cheating on you, with some guy she met up with outside"

"What no! She wouldn't" Junkrat said defending me, Mei pulled out a picture of me kissing a guy. It was a real photo, no photoshop or anything, I really did kiss that guy in the picture but that was four years ago, he ended up cheating on me so we broke up. But I hadn't seen this guy in forever, Mei really had it out for me this time.


The room felt like a block of ice, sucking all the warmth out of my body. I knew she hated me but not to the extent where she'd try and kill me. I didn't really know why she hated me at first but now it's obvious, this was all about Junkrat. Mei loved him but a little too much, ever since Junkrat and I started dating she has tried everything to get him away from me, or give me a bad reputation like bringing things up from my past such as; sealing a tv, punching a cop in face, breaking my friend out of jail because she was innocent and some other things. Point is despite being arrested before, I had never been to prison so all these things from my past had nothing against me especially since I was in my teens then and I was stupid, or more stupid then I am now. I was trapped and I knew I wasn't getting out.

Junkrat stormed out of the cinema, he was mad and I could hear him yelling "where the hell are ya, y/n!"

"H-here, I'm in here!" I yelled, stuttering because of the cold, I slammed on the door trying to get his attention "help me! Please Jamie help!" He started kicking at the door, it wouldn't open due to the ice, "Mei help me!" Junkrat demanded

"What but she cheated on you!" Mei yelled, 'what does she mean I cheated on him!?' Junkrat started kicking at the door again "I don't care, I love her, now help me!"

"No, you should love me not her, I'll not let her ruin what we have" Mei walked off "come find me when you're ready to love me again"

"Okay keep on walking Mei" Junkrat yelled "don't worry y/n I'll get you out." I was so cold, every small breath was like ice, my hands were still, my legs had collapsed, eyes were tired and body weak, I didn't think I was gonna make it out alive, or make it out at all but Junkrat didn't give up.

I awoke in a hospital room, it was quiet and warm. The only thing that broke the silence was Junkrat, who sat in the chair next to me sobbing "I'm so sorry I couldn't protect ya, I'm sorry Mei got to ya"

"J-Jamie?" I stuttered, he looked up "sheila you're okay, oh thank goodness, I thought I lost you"

"You can't get rid of me that easily" I laughed, Junkrat hugged me tightly and I hugged him back. I'm so glad we're together now, Mei nowhere to be seen and we're both happy. Junkrat pulled away with tears still rolling down his face, I placed a hand on his cheek and wiped his tears away smiling, he was smiling to, he was happy to see me safe and I was happy too. Mei has left us alone, she knows Junkrat doesn't want her and she's accepted it. Junkrat and I found a small apartment for us in town so when we want to live slightly normal lives that's where we can go, it's small but feels safe and homey, it has little touches from us both and I think it looks...well insane. We love being together and I love being part of the Overwatch family, they make me feel safe, wanted, excepted a and most of all loved.

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