Kaboom - Junkrat x Reader

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This is the next chapter to College. Sorry for the short chapter, I kinda have a bit of writers block but if you want me to continue this I'll try. Also requests are open 24 7 unless noted not open. Hope ya enjoy.


Junkrat and I met up with Roadie at my college. We grabbed and placed bomb where no one could see them, Junkrat placed he hand on my shoulder "go on, place yours"

"Re-really?" I asked, he smiled and pushed me forward "yeah and then we'll let ya detonate the place"

"Yay!" I geeked out a little, I placed my bomb right in the middle where Junkrat left a open space. Junkrat handed me the detonator and picked me up, him and Roadie stood back with me on Junkrats shoulders, "hey I'm tall for once" I laughed

"Haha yeah, okay now press the red button right on the middle and cover yer face but make sure ya watch" he chuckled, I pressed the red button and the bombs went off. One after the other the bombs blew up the side of the building, pieces of the walls flew into the air, then hitting the ground crashing into ash. I could hear screaming from inside the building usually I would care but the screams sounded familiar, I jumped off Junkrats shoulders, running into the building "SHEILA! Where do ya think ya going! Get back her-" Junkrats voice only seemed to get softer as I went into the burning and collapsing building. I got low to the ground and covered my mouth with my shirt, I could still hear the screaming, it gradually got louder and louder until I saw them, the only person who acted nice to me in this horrible place, Kate. I ran over to her and began to lift the rubble off of her, she was crying, seeing her like this put a wave of guilt over me, this is all my fault and Kate might die because of me. I finally got her free, her leg was broken from the weight of the rubble so I picked her up and tried finding a way out of the building with her in my arms.

--Meanwhile outside (Junkrats POV)--

"Roadie what was she thinking?! She could be dead in there, what should we do?!" I was freaking out, this chick was my first kiss and I'm already gonna lose her, I wanna go in there but Roadie won't get out of my way, I felt scared for her life, I didn't want her to die. "We could just leave" Roadie mumbled

"What!? No! We are not leaving her I-I need her to get out of there safe!" I walked back and forth, I saw the suitcase on the ground, I grabbed it "think fast ya fat ass!" I threw it at Roadie hitting him in the face. 'Good he's distracted, now I can go get her, I can last longer in there than her I'm used to the smoke' I thought running into the building yelling her name "Y/n! Y/n where are ya!?"

"H-here" I heard a soft scream, it was y/n, it had to be, I ran towards the voice I heard, seeing a girl sitting next to y/n's body. "What happened?!" I yelled putting y/n in my arms

"S-she tried saving me but she passed out" the girl coughed, I knew I'd have to save her, this is the reason y/n came in here for, I couldn't leave her here or y/n would never forgive me, "get on my back" I bent down for the girl, she wrapped her arms around my neck, almost choking me but that didn't matter I had to get y/n out.

--(Y/n POV)--

I struggled to move, my body stiff and tubes dug into my arms leading from machines, a mask on my face helping me breathe with ease, my eyes felt tired, my arms and legs had scratches and bruises all over them, I looked around, 'I'm in a hospital room' I thought as the door opened. "Hey sheila! Yer wake" Junkrat came in and smiled, I was so happy to see him smile, his smiled gave me a warm feeling "heh, yeah, well I sure hope I am, unless I'm in heaven" I gave him a soft smile. His face went red "I-I'd be in yer heaven?" I giggled when he said that, it was a weird thought but he would be "yeah you would"

"Thanks" he smiled "oh and yer food will be 'ere soon" when he said the word 'food' my stomach growled "yes I'm starving mate" we both laughed.

It's been a week since the explosion, no one knows we did it, well yet. I only got out of hospital however when I was still there Junkrat would come to my room everyday for as long as he could, he'd bring me food, books, he'd even read them to me. He was so sweet and caring about me, he told me how worried he was about me when I ran into the collapsing building, but now it was time to leave, start a new life with the two junkers, I know this is gonna be a fun adventure full of explosions and bombs, money, killing omnics and suits, maybe even a bit of romance between Junkrat and I, I sighed at the thought of this 'it's gonna be dangerous but it's gonna be the best time of my life'.

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