Bully! Junkrat x Bullied

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Story requested by Miracle1And1The1Crew sorry if there some mistakes I've been stressed out with school at the moment. (This story has to do with depression , suicide and abuse, if you deal with any of this please tell a therapist, counselor or get someone professional who can help. This story may by sensitive to some people.)

I walked into my apartment and threw my stuff to the ground, I flopped onto my bed and cried. It was another horrible day at work. Getting bullied was a normal day thing for me now, I'm just surprised I'm not used to it yet. Whether I was getting bullied physically, mentally or emotionally, it hurt. I've became depressed over these years, people have tried helping me but it doesn't work. I've gone to so many therapists and counselors, they couldn't do anything for me. I guess I'll just have to live with it.

It was Wednesday morning and I got to the base early, hoping I wouldn't run into the person who's been bullying me since the day I got here. I walked into the lounge room and saw him, he sat on the couch looking at me with a smirk. I walked past him but he grabbed my arm, I flinched in pain as he tightened his grip "what do you want Jamison?"
"What was that, y/n?" He growled "since when have I given you permission to call me that?" I took a deep breathe in and relaxed, he let go of my arm waiting for a response. "I'm sorry Mr. Fawkes, my mistake, I thought you were more mature than this" I rolled my eyes, he stood from the couch, towering over me. He could see the fear in my eyes, he stood back and laughed "haha, got some sass now do we? You know I hate sass" he locked his grip around the back of my neck, he pulled me along with him to the kitchen "go on, ya know the drill" he threw me against the stovetop. I stood there in pain looking at that horrible smile he had on his face "well what are ya waiting for? Make me breakfast drongo" he demanded. I had to do what he said or he would hurt me, really hurt me.

I made him the breakfast he asked for or demanded. He knew I had been a chef before coming here, so he threatened me to do things for him, something's are not so bad but others are horrible. He told me if it didn't do what he told me he'd hit me, and tell everyone my secrets so I'd be kicked out of Overwatch, I didn't wanna risk losing my only job that doesn't know my background story. Junkrat has abused me ever since I got here, I have multiple bruises and scars on my body from him. He's a horrible person, he should burn in hell, Junkrat knows I think that about him but he also knows I'm smart enough to keep it to myself.

After Junkrat and the others came back from work on the field, Junkrat came straight up to my room. "Sheeeeillla! Open up, sweetie!" He sung out to me. I knew either way he was coming in and I didn't feel like lying to the group again about how my door broke, so I opened the door. He came in with a smile on his face, he closed the door and swung me off my feet "I need you to do something or me"
"What is it" I sighed. Junkrat put me down and grabbed my chest, I slapped him and stepped back, "what the hell!?" I screamed. He grabbed my wrists and frowned "well I was gonna be gentle to ya but now I will hurt ya"
"Don't touch me you creep" I pulled away from him but didn't get away. "Trust me I'm gonna hurt ya more than this" he grabbed the buckle on my belt and started to undo it. I kicked and pushed, while he grabbed at my naked body, it felt horrible, I hated this, I wanted to cry but I didn't.

The next day I didn't get out of bed, frankly I couldn't and even if I could I didn't want to. My body was in so much pain from last night, I remembered what horrible things Junkrat did to me, the way he touched me and hit me, last night would scar me forever. I wanted to cry but couldn't, I physically couldn't cry anymore, I was done with crying, I was done with feeling pain, being bullied and threatened, I was done with life. I grabbed a knife that Junkrat had left in my room, that he used to cut me with. I wrote a note and placed it on the edge of my bed. I stood in the middle of my room and yelled out to Junkrat. Junkrat walked into the room as he opened the door, I sliced deep into my neck with the knife, I dropped to the ground and Junkrat froze.

Junkrat was shaking as he stumbled backwards out of the room, Tracer walked out of her room and saw Junkrat on the floor, she knelt down to him. "Uh Jamison what's wrong?" Tracer asked, Junkrat stuttered trying his hardest to speak, he could barely talk all he did was point his shaking finger to y/n's lifeless body. Tracer screamed in horror as she saw what Junkrat was looking at. She cried out to the others, they all ran over to her, the first person to notice y/n's body was Soldier. Soldier slowly walked into y/n's room, stood looking down at the her body, her face pale and eyes closed. Soldier tried as hard as he could not to cry and not to shake, he took his mask off in respect and sat down next to y/n's body. Lucio, McCree and Mei tried to comfort Tracer who was crying on the ground. Tracer saw the note that y/n left on her bed she opened it and read it out loud to everyone. "Dear Overwatch, I have left this world due to abuse I have being getting from someone in this group. I want you all to know I love you and I wish you all nothing but the best in your lives. Thank you guys from getting me through a lot and loving me like family, good bye." Tracer started crying again as she finished reading.

Tracers mind clicked when she read this note, she knew what was going on and so did Soldier. They were the only two y/n ever told about what Junkrat did to her, she always told them not to get involved but since she was no longer here they took action. Soldier and Tracer walked over to Junkrat, Soldier lifted Junkrat off the floor and through him to the wall, Tracer wiped her tears away and began to yell at him. "Do you find this funny, like you found abusing her and slowly killing her inside, funny?!" Tracer hit Junkrat in the stomach "you killed my best friend"
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kill her, for this to go that far, I'm so sorry Lena" Junkrat cried
"No! You don't get to cry, she wasn't anything to you, besides a toy and you are not allowed to call me Lena, it's Tracer to you but you know what, leave!"
"W-what!?" Junkrat stuttered, Tracer grabbed him by the hair and pulled him to the door "I said leave and never come back, you don't deserve to be part of Overwatch anymore, you're a horrible creature now go!" Tracer screamed. Soldier hit Junkrat in the face knocking him onto the concrete path outside of the Overwatch base, "Jamison never come back here, that's a warning" Soldier began to cry. Soldier was always like a father to y/n and Tracer was her best friend, they were the only people that have been there from the start, they got her into Overwatch. Junkrat got off the ground and walked away, he knew what he had done and he was ready to live with it, just like everyone else.

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