Sit with Junkrat and Mei

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I have nothing to put here.


I don't care if I had to deal with Mei even more today, I wanted to sit with Junkrat so I did. When I sat down a bright, bubbly smile came to his face "hey sheila thanks for sittin' with me, I was gettin' a bit lonely without ya"

"Aww I wouldn't want you to get lonely, now would I?" I smiled, I could see Mei's face behind Junkrat. She was staring right into my soul, she was burning holes through my skin, she gave me a cold look it was terrifying, she looked as if she wanted to kill me. Junkrat was about to turn around to see what I was looking at but I grabbed his hands and pulled him into a hug. He pulled away, his face was bright red "t-thanks for the hug"

"Uh n-no problem" I blushed, we talked for ages about how I beat him at most of the games we played. "Oh I totally beat you that round"

"Nah, I let ya win sheila" Junkrat stuck his tongue out at me, I playfully pushed him, hitting him into Mei, she growled at me and turned away "damn what's her deal, am I roight?" Junkrat chuckled "she's giving us the cold shoulder, she should take a chill pill, Mei should cool her jets, haha" Junkrat burst into laughter. 'Geez should I tell him that his puns are so bad that it makes him seem adorable...the answer to that is a big no' "you're an idiot Jamie" I laughed

"I know" he smirked. "Why didn't cha' sit with Tracer and" He asked

"What can't I sit with the cutest person here, am I not cute enough to be here" I placed a hand on my hip

"Oh yer too cute to be 'ere sheila and I'm flattered" he smiled.

We all ate dinner and started to get ready for bed. I was in my room fixing my bed when I heard scream from the lounge room, I ran straight over to her, everyone did the same. "H-Hana what's wrong" I stuttered

"Someone deleted all my data on my console" she growled, "y/n was the last one to touch your console" Mei said. 'That bitch how could she, all I did was turn it off- wait Mei! She was in the room when I got there, she said I forgot to reset it, she reset it and made me turn it off so she could blame me. She planned this, she's evil.' stormed up to me "y/n did you reset my console!"

"Of course not, why would I do that-"

"So you weren't the last person to touch my console" she interrupted me

"Well I was bu-"

"You did reset it!" She stopped me again

"N-no I-"

"Yes you did just admit it, that's why you avoided me earlier, you thought I wouldn't notice you!" she yelled in my face. I looked over to Junkrat, he looked at me then walked forward "! Let y/n speak for fucks sake!" 'He stood up for me yay, I knew I could count on Jamie, I'm so glad he's here right now" I smiled. "I didn't reset your console, all I did was turn it off, I wouldn't reset your console and before I turned it off Mei was in there, she told me I forgot to 'reset' it then changed her words to 'turn it off', I promise I didn't touch it" I said with all honesty, I wasn't going to lie to if I didn't do anything wrong. "Did anyone else see this, anyone?" looked around the room, everyone just hung their heads, they weren't gonna lie either "Junkrat, did you see anything?" She asked him. Junkrat looked at me with a smile then looked up to, "actually I did hear Mei say that and I saw Mei go into the room and come out when y/n went over to the room" he had a big smile on his face as he put his hand around my waist and held me close to him. "Well that's only one person who saw it, y/n don't go anywhere near my stuff ever again" yelled at me, everyone gave me disappointed looks, Roadhog grabbed Junkrat and took him out of the room, leaving me alone. "Nice try y/n, remember I've been here much longer than you, they won't believe you over me, sorry, sorry" Mei laughed then walked out of the room. Tracer walked back in and tried to comfort me, she let me cry while she held me close to her.

It's a long week Junkrat and I have barely talked, he wasn't mad at me but Mei has been taking him away from me. I don't know if he noticed she's doing it on purpose but I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't, she was really sneaky at it anyway. I wanted to as Junkrat out before Mei made a move, so I got Tracers help. Tracer took me to get a nice outfit, she helped me find a reservation for dinner and she was ready to do my makeup as soon as I got back. Now it was time to finally ask Junkrat if he'd go with me, when I got there Mei was hugging Junkrat, she saw me and kissed him. Junkrat kissed her back, he looked like he wanted to kiss her until he saw me standing a few meters away from them, his eyes widened, he pushed Mei off him and rubbed his neck. Mei was obviously mad that he did that but she smiled and walked past me, hitting me with her shoulder. I looked down shyly as Junkrat walked over to me "hey sheila, uh sorry 'bout that"

"Oh uh-"

So you get another option now. (What you want to say to him)

Option A: Oh uh well it looked like you were really enjoying that kiss.

Option B: Oh uh sorry for interrupting that loving kiss.

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