Do you wanna blow a bank up (snowman parody)

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So I currently have writers block, so just for fun I made a parody of 'do you wanna build a snowman' but for Jamie and Mako, don't judge I'm weird but also if anyone actually wants to sing this then please go ahead. 


Do you wanna blow a bank up

Verse one:


Do you wanna blow a bank up

Come on, let's go all day

I'm never with you anymore

Come out the door

It's like you've gone away

We used to be best buddies

But now we can't

Coz you left Overwatch

Do you wanna blow a bank up

It doesn't have to be a bank

(Piss of Jamie)

Okay bye

Verse two:

Do you wanna blow a bank up

Or use a rip tire down the halls

I think our bills are overdue

I've started taping them to the damn walls

It gets a little stinky

All these messy rooms

Just watching the bombs tick by

Tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock BOMB!

Verse three:


Mate I know you're in there

The guys are asking where you've been

They say "be brave" I'm really trying to

I'm right out 'ere for you

Just let me in

We only 'ave each other

It's just you and me

What do you wanna do

Do you wanna blow a bank up

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