Injured! Junkrat x Injured

911 24 7

Requested by @kittens4jc sorry for the late unload I've been busy and under a lot of stress so I'm sorry if it's bad.

I was laying in bed, a hospital bed. I went to sit up but Junkrat stopped me "stop moving sheila, you're still hurt" I sat laid back down and everything was dark. Junkrat started to tell me about what happened to me, since I didn't remember much. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and started to speak "so sheila, here's what 'appened to ya."


It's was our most intense battle yet, there was gunshots everywhere, bullets flying past me head. Roadhog was down and Mercy was tryin' to heal him. I didn't think I was gonna make it really, but there she was, me angel, not Mercy of course but you. You were always there for me, in sickness and in health but since it's me there was more sickness than anythin'. I was so lucky you were there, I was almost dead, I could feel my life slipping out of my reach. I tried standin' up but ya stopped me and picked me up. I held onto you "do ya need help scrap?"
"Nope come on" ya said. You were always so calm in our battles, I guess that's why Soldier recruited ya. I noticed you had a cut on your leg "scrap ya 'ave a c-"
"Yeah I know, don't worry I have to get you to safety first" you said with a smile on your face. An omnic came up behind ya, "scrap watch ou-" ya turned around grabbin' one of my bombs and throwin' it right at the omnic, blowin' the head roight off it's body. "Well I was gonna say watch out but it seems ya got everythin' under control" I laughed. Pain shot through my body as I laughed, you looked at me in concern and ran into a half broken building. It was cold being outside my hand felt like ice, my nose went red and so did yours, lucky ya spotted a fire in the corner of the buildin'. Ya placed me down next to the fire and healed me. We sat next to each other and waited for someone to respond to our recon call.

I guess ya heard somethin' because ya got straight up telling me to stay put and ran off. I yelled out to you but you hadn't responded. I started to get a bit worried but I told myself you'd be okay, which was a mistake. I heard you scream, I got up and ran over to ya as fast as I could, limpin' over to ya I saw widowmaker standing over ya with her gun aimed at your head "goodbye cheir". I yelled at Widowmaker to stay away from ya, she looked up and shoot at me, I managed to dodge her bullet and get close enough to her to punch her roight in the face. Widowmaker dropped her gun and held her face in her hand, I put the gun against her head, my hands were shakin' because I never used guns it kinda felt weird. Widowmaker looked me dead in the eyes, she knew I couldn't shoot, she placed her hand on the end of the gun and pulled it out of my hands. Widowmaker aimed the gun at me. I closed my eyes and got ready for what was about to happen, but nothin' happened. I opened my eyes and saw ya standin' over Widowmaker, she was knocked out cold "scrap you don't look so good" I lowered my voice, ya looked up and asked "where are you?"
"What are you talkin' about?" I grabbed your hand, ya turned to me and you're eyes were pure white and held onto me "I can't see" you said before fallin' to the ground, knockin' yourself out cold.

Soldier, Roadhog and Mercy finally arrived and we took ya back to the base. Mercy quickly started to get to work on your condition. Lucio and Zenyta helped Mercy fix your leg and the rest of your cuts and bruises.

"And after that ya stayed in here for a week" Junkrat finished. I hugged him "and that's why I can't see" I laughed
"Uhh yeah we're still working on that" Junkrat gave me a kiss on the cheek.

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