16: are all the unborn sperms of our dads our siblings?

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"So you thought I was just some rude and depressed being who didn't care about anyone or anything except Mark?" Jack asked, laughing after.

Jack, Mark, and I were all in Marks car and on our way to the park to meet everyone.

"Yes." I laughed along.

"Huh," Jack folded his arms, "I thought you were just some annoying bitch who didn't know how to make a comeback."

Once again, we laughed. After we calmed down I gasped loudly.

"What if my mom was your mom, but my dad was also your mom?!" I ask.

Jack and Mark burst into laughter and I soon joined.

"What?!" Mark asked, glancing over at me then focusing back on the road.

"I don't know," I say, shrugging, a smile growing on my face.

"If that actually happened, then I'd be confused about life forever," Jack said from the back seat.

"Who wouldn't? I mean, someones dad is your mom!" Mark laughed.

"Wait," I say, holding up my pointer finger, "so y'know how guys have sperms and all that?"

"Yeah . . ." Jack answered slowly.

"Oh God, where is this going?" Mark asked.

"So are all the unborn sperms of our dads our siblings?" I ask.

It was silent.

"Is it quiet because you're thinking, or its just an incredibly stupid question?" I ask.

"Both," Jack says.

"They can't be, because they're unborn. They don't have a heart or brain or anything," Mark says.

"But they," Jack pauses, thinking, "but they're from the same person and still count as beings."

"But they're not alive," Mark said.

"In a way they are." Jack sat up straight. "They swim around and shit."

"That doesn't mean they're alive."

"Then how can they swim?!" I ask.

"Uh, they just go with the flow," Mark answered.

"The flow of what?" Jack asked.

"Um . . ." Mark thought. "Wherever the liquid in the balls pushes them."

"You mean the cum," Jack corrected.

"Wait! Cum is in the balls?!" I ask.

Jack and Mark start laughing.

"Yes Y/n!" Mark laughs. "How did you not know that?!"

"I didn't pay attention in that class, ok?!"

"Where did you think it came from?!" Jack asked, still laughing.

"I don't know?! Why would I even think about that?"

"Well, you talk about dicks a lot when you and I hang out," Mark mentioned.

"I don't talk about them like that. Its in a joking way. Like how I say you and Jack use them a lot on each other."

"What?!" Jack leaned forward and put a hand on the side of my seat and his other hand on Marks.

Mark and I laughed.

"Its a joke dude, relax," I say.

We pull into the parking lot and hop out of Marks car. Matthew and some other dude were already there. When we walked up to them they both looked to us.

"Hey guys!" Matthew said. "This is Alec. He's new, so I thought I'd invite him."

"Hi," Alec sent a small wave.

"Hey." I smile, sitting across from him on the picnic table. Jack sits next to me and Mark sits next to him.

"I'm Y/n," I place my hand on my chest, then bring it over to Jack. Instead of a normal hand gesture towards him, I set my hand on his head and flopped my hand around on his green hair. "This is Jack, and the next guy is Mark."

Jack was trying to grab my hand but failed each time.

"Would you stop that?!" Jack asked, still trying to grab my hand. He finally grabbed it and yelled in victory. "Ha! I got it!"

"Got what? The D?" I ask.

"Shut up!" He yells, slapping my arm.

"Who's D was it? Marks?" I laugh, Alec laughing along.

"Ugh!" Jack groans. "Do you want to go back to how we were a few days ago?"

"I couldn't give a shit."

"Whatever you say."

"They used to fight all the time. They just came to school this morning, and they were perfectly fine. We have no idea what happened," Matthew explained to Alec.

"And the next person who asks what happened, I swear I'm gonna kill," I say.

"What happened?" Jenna asked, walking up to us. I turn to her and pretend go strangle her.

"Damn, I was just asking what we were talking about," Jenna smirked.


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