Junkrat x Reader | My first day

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Okay so the next few chapters will be connected into a short story so let's go.


It was my first day at my new job, Overwatch. I wasn't a fighter but I was the next best thing, the chef. I loved to cook, my favorite things to cook were Aussie styled food and Portuguese food, well that's what I could cook best. I also loved meeting new people and making new friends, so coming to Overwatch is perfect.

When I got there it was time to cook dinner, to try and make a good first impression I made one of the dishes my family was famous for, 'The Caldo Verde'. The most traditional of Portuguese soups it was super simple but tasted amazing, it was made of: onions, potatoes and kale, cooked with garlic and olive oil. I gathered all the ingredients needed and started cooking.

The meal was finally done, I stepped out of the kitchen and scanned the dining hall, making sure everyone was at the table ready to eat. Soldier 76 looked grumpy today but I've been told that's normal, D.va, Tracer, Mercy and Lucio were all chatting and laughing about who knows what, Reaper say quietly listening to Mcree talk about something and then there was the two Junkers, the two trouble makers, Roadhog sat next to Junkrat since he was Junkrats body guard, Roadhog nodded at Junkrat as he laughed about something. Junkrats as the most annoying of the two, he was loud, annoying, irritating, crazy and just...like me, why I resembled to this Junker so much? Honestly I don't know.

"Hey luv!" Tracer yelled out to me, making everyone go quiet.

I shook my head getting Junkrat out of my head and began to speak, "hi everyone I'm y/n and I'm the new chef 'ere, I hope you all enjoy your meal" I noticed that my Aussie accent kicked in when I said 'here' making me embarrassed, I walked back into the kitchen then came out holding four plates two on each arm. The other staff came out holding the rest of the plates, once everyone got there they started eating, Tracer looked over to me "aren't you gonna eat, luv?" She raised an eyebrow at me, I looked at the kitchen then back at her "uh I'll eat later, I have to make sure you all eat first" I gave her a shy smile, thinking about eating did make me hungry but I did want to make sure they liked there food.

I sat in the kitchen until Mcree came in telling me that he loved the food and that they were all finished, I walked out with a smile on my face "so did you all enjoy your food?"

"I love it!" Tracer smile

"It was amazing" D.va picked at the last bits of food on her plate

The other told me they loved it besides Junkrat. "It was okay, but can ya make ribs or something next time?" Junkrat smirked, "uh okay, I-I'll make sure I do that" the smile on my face was washed off by that remark but I then quickly replaced it with a fake one, no one seemed to notice besides Junkrat who seemed to be pleased by what he said. Everyone went to bed while I stayed up and ate my dinner, I then left to go to my room, I sat up staring at the walk I thought back to seeing everyone's happy faces as they ate my food, they were pleased by my food all but Junkrat, I have to say it hurt when he didn't look happy with the food, I'm here to cook food that makes everyone happy. So tomorrow I'll try harder for sure.

I woke up really early the next day and waited for everyone to get up, when they did I asked them what they all wanted for breakfast. D.va wanted Doughnuts, Tracer, Mercy and Lucio wanted Waffles, Reaper, Soldier 76 and Mcree wanted French toast, Junkrat and Roadhog wanted Boba tea? Whatever it was what they wanted so it was what they were gonna get. I made the staff take out all their orders but I took the two Junkers their drinks myself, when I got there Junkrat took a long sip of it and sighed "ya call this BOBA TEA! Ha that's cute!" Junkrats remark made the whole room quite, the smiled I had on my face turned to a frown I could feel tears filling up my eyes, the group whispered amongst themselves, Junkrat gave me a evil smile he knew I was about to cry and I guess so did Roadhog because only a few seconds later Roadhog slapped Junkrat in the back of his head "apologize now!"

"Fiiinne sorry...y/n" Junkrat giggled, you could tell he was lying but it felt good to know Roadhog had your back. I looked at the group and apologized "sorry but I-uh I'll be in my room so I hope you enjoy breakfast and if ya need anything ya know where I am" I turned and left.

I hated my accent whenever I was sad my Aussie accent would come back or if I was too excited, anytime I wasn't paying attention or trying to change my accent, I'd talk like a Australian and I hate it! I sat on my bed staring at my walk again, I used to do this all the time when I was in deep thought, when my parents were alive, they're not now becau- I was interrupted by a knock at the door. "Come in!" Yelled out the door handle giggled but didn't open, realizing I lock my door I got up and opened it to Tracer and D.va, they were both smiling, D.va grabbed your arm and Tracer pushed you along with her. "What's goin on? I mean going" I asked, they both said "Video games!!" video games? What okay then sure I love video games, but I haven't played any in years. We finally entered D.va's room, it was filled with consoles, PCs and all types of video games, "sooo what game do you wanna play y/n?" D.va took you over to the stacks and stacks of games, I scanned them with my eyes noticing one game that I loved, 'The walking dead'. It was an awesome game full of zombies, blood, death, gore and killing everything I looked for in a game. "The walking dead" I smiled

"The walking dead?" The both of them raised an eyebrow "you don't look like the type of person to wanna play that" Tracer added

"Well I am" I grabbed the game handing it to D.va

"Okay then let's play" D.va put the game in and we played until it was late and time to for dinner.

Overwatch x Reader | Short stories.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora