{ cahpter two} Farther

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[ Updated. Enjoy]

I slowly opened my eyes to discover I was back in my bedroom.

What was I doing back home? Was it all just a dream? There is no way I could have dreamt I went to Hogwarts.

I get out of my bed and walk over to my wardrobe I pull out my black halter neck tank top my pair of high waisted black jeans and my denim jacket. after getting dressed I just of some plain black sneakers and a necklace my mum gave me that had a wand charm that looks exactly like the one she had. Dad keeps it framed above the mantel place in a glass box held up by a solid gold stand.

I open my bedroom door to see Elijah stand with a silver tray in his hands. Elijah looked after me while my day was away. He was the one who raised and is kind of like my second father. He also home schooled me for the last four years.

"Here you are Sasha I made your favourite, waffles with fresh berries and a cup of tropical fruit juice. I also added some extra strong coffee thought you might need it for today." Elijah said as he walks right past me and placed the tray down on my desk. "eat quickly your farther wants you down stair in twenty." And with that, he left the room closing the door behind him.

Twenty minutes later I had finished eating and drinking and done some light natural make up. I open my door and made my way down the long hall and stair all the way to the formal dinning room. Once inside I saw my father sitting at the head of the table.

"Father? What am I doing back home? Why aren't I at Hogwarts?" I said walking towards him.

"Sasha sit down," My father said in his stern voice. This is serious he probably changed his mind about the whole going to Hogwarts thing.

Elijah pulled out a chair two chairs down from my farther. Way did I have to sit so far away. Just as I was sitting down four people walked in and sat in the four closet sets next to my father. Straight away I noticed the two people who sat on my side of the table were Professor Snap and Draco who was sitting right next to me.

My Farther began having a deep conversation with Snap and the two other people I didn't know. I was trying to make out what they were saying but they are talking in some kind of code so I cant make anything out.

Draco grabbed my habd under the table. I looked up at him and snached my hand away. "what are you doing?" I snaped quitly so that only draco could hear me.

"Sasha, I need you, to be honest with me are you a death eater?" Draco asked in a hushed voice with panic in his eyes.

Hes asking if I am a death eater, he must not know that my father is the one at the head of the table. "yes I am" I answered. I mean is the truth I am one.

"By choice or did you did you not have a choice one like me?" he asked

I didn't reply I thought about it did I become a death eater by choice of course not I never wanted this I wanted a Normal life. One where my father sends an owl with a letter to talk to me not a curse that burned my arm.

"By choice or did you did you not have one?" he asked again

" I didn't have one my father made me and well I couldn't say no to him not after everything. Saying no not only would kill him but also kill me." I finally answered him. He nodded in response.

"I understand. My Mother and Father are both Death eaters and my family is so close to the dark lord himself that saying no would kill my mother and my father would have killed me. It was my only option." Draco said looking down at the table in front of him. "speaking of family I don't see yours. Not that I know who they are or anything it's just theres snap who doent have a child , my farther sitting next to the dark lord and Bellatrix and I know she doent have kids shes been in love with the dark lord for also as ive been alive. So where is your family." He asked looking at me.

" um well, you see its complicated." Think sasha think what do I say? Oh yeah, my mums dead and my father is here at the head. Yeah, that's him the almighty dark lord. Nope come on think, think.

"Slince" my father yelled making everyone stop their conversatons and sit up straight. All eyes now on him everyone waiting for what is to come. I have never been in any meeting like this I have no idea what is going to happen or what to do. Do these people know I am his daughter? Do they know he has a daughter? Draco doesn't know but does his dad? Who are these people? Good friends of my fathers but none of them I have meet until now.

"Sasha here is my daughter. Most of you did not know I had a child, but she was born only a few months before the incident at the Potters." My father stated as he stood and walk over to stand behind me. "now that she is about to turn sixteen I have decided that now is the time for her to start following in my footsteps." He placed his hand on my shoulder before making his way back to his seat.

"Draco and Sasha have been chosen by me to handle a job at Hogwarts I need done before I can obtain the wand." My father look at Draco and I before continuing. "You must Kill Dumbledore"

"This is why you sent me to Hogwarts not to learn or make friends. Oh no Sasha cant live a normal life. You are only letting me go so that I can do your dirty work." I yell towards my father. I stand up from the table and start walking off when I fall to the ground my whole body feels like it is getting pulled in a million different directions at once. My skin feels tight and is starting to feel as though it is on fire again. Screaming at the top of my lungs.

Draco launches from his seat and crouches beside me holding my arms down tring to stop my trashing about. "stop you're hurting her. Shes your only daughter why are you doing this?" Draco yells at my father

With that, the pain left my body. I sit up Draco takes his hands off my arms and looks over to my father as if he is about to say some then when. Draco starts to scream and falls to the ground beside me. I can see the pain on his face I run straight to my father. "Stop" I yell "stop leave him alone you have made your point. We will do as you ask." I say looking right in to my dads emotionless face. How could be de so heartless. Hes always been so kind towards me and now this what is going on?

The room fell slient my father stood up from his chair "Snap will take you both back to Hogwarts and aid you in completing the task have set you. Everyone else we must inform the other and set our plans in motion." And with that everyone apart form Snap, Draco and I left the room.

my Slytherin prince { a Draco Malfoy love story }Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin