Chapter Ten {Alone}

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I picked up a basket as I walked into the supermarket. I wondered around trying to decide on the perfect meal to make for me and Draco. The pain in my arm now ingolfed my right arm from the tips of my finger to my sholder blade. My basket only had a box of cholates and tin of coffee but it felt much heaver like every iteam in the store was in my basket. I was trying hard to act like nothing was wrong so no one would see and ask questions. I walked over to the vegetables and started gathering the items I needed to make a fresh garden salad. Myabe we could get some garden boxes and start our own little veggie patch in the yard. I reached out to grab a cucumber when the pain from my arm spiked and was now travilling across my chest and down my right leg. my whole right side of my body was now in pain I dropped the basket to the floor. turning a few of the other shopper's heads thankfully they turned back around and continued on with their shopping. I held the wooden bin in with the cucumbers wherein to hold myself up. I wanted to cry I had to find a way to stop this pian. my dad must be getting closer to us. how? how was he able to track us so fast? I hope Draco is okay. he didnt say anything about his armor deatheater mark hurting so he must be fine. altho I didn't say anything either. I must get home. I left my basket of food on the floor and made my way out to the car. thank goodness I got a park right outside the shop door. I felt around in my pockets for the keys. once I found them in my back pocket I shoved them in the car door swinging it open I jumped inside and drove out of the parking lot as quickly as the car would let me. I turned on to the street our new house was on when the pain started moving across to my left side. I pulled in to the driveway and fell out of the car the pain now affecting my left leg. I dragged my self through the door and into the lounge where I saw Draco stepping into the fireplace and throwing green powered to the floor we locked eyes of a second. his grey eyes were bloodshot and glossy as though he had been crying. his face was full of fear but yet still calm like he knew he had to do this. it was if i had blinked he was gone not a trace of him or that he was even there. the pain in my body had stoped left instantly when draco did. 

" Noo" I cried pulling my legs to my chest. he was gone he had gone back. left me here all alone.  why?

I crawled to the fireplace to see if I could find any clues as to where he was and why he had left but nothing just a normal fireplace. My head was spinning. I pulled myself up off the floor. 

"Sasha pull it together you need to gather your thoughts" i say to my self outloud while i open draws in the lounge trying to find paper an a pen. i find a note book and pen in a basket next to the long sofa across from the fire place. i start writting.

What I Know:

Draco is gone. 

What i dont Know:


If hes still alive?

is my dad responcable?

a drop of water hit the page. i was crying tears fulled my eyes to the point in which i could no longer see the note book. Draco was gone. to where i dont know. will i ever see him again....

i was all alone. i felt the walls where closing in. it was getting hard to breath. 

"draco i need you" i cried out

I was All Alone Once Again Just Like How It Was Back Home.

my Slytherin prince { a Draco Malfoy love story }Where stories live. Discover now