{chapter three} back to hogwarts

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[Updated. Hope You Enjoy]

I can not believe that thanks to my father I missed my first day of classes. Snape had covered for us by informing the headmaster that there was a family emergency Draco had to go home for at short notice and that I had to take the day off due to illness.

I am taking Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy and Herbology. Not that I had a choice they are the compulsory classes for Fith year students. I, however, did get to choose two subjects for myself which are care of Magical Creatures and The study of Ancient Runes. I spent most of my time once getting back to Hogwarts catching up on the work I missed and will miss as I did not attend any classes. Snap was nice enough to bring Draco and I all that we needed to be caught up and ready for classes tomorrow.

I was sitting on the common room floor in front of the fireplace finishing out some reading about Ancient Runes when Draco came running through the door. "Sasha I have been looking everywhere you come quickly I have to show you something," Draco says running over and grabbing my hand pulling me out to the hallway.

"where are we going," I ask Draco as I struggle to keep up with him.

Draco says nothing and keeps pulling my arm. We stop in front of a wall in the middle of the castle. Draco just looks at it smiling. "Watch this," he says as he walks up to the wall and whispers something. All of a sudden a large door appear out of nowhere. Draco pushes it open and pulls me inside before anyone can see.

The mysterious room is filled with many things from books to beds all piled up as far as the eye can see. " what is this?" I ask looking up at the piles of random stuff.

"I'm not sure all I know is that we are the only ones who know about it. This is where we can do all our planning. Look over here. My dad took me to see one of these before school started. I was taught how to fix them." Draco said while walking over to a tall wooden box.

"what is it?" I walk around it trying to find a name or label but there's nothing.

" it allows things to travel from one place to another. This is how the other death eaters will get in without being detected we just have to get it to work." Draco says opening the door.

Three weeks have passed since Draco showed me the room filled with stuff which I have now named the secret hideaway. I have been there a lot with Draco to help fix that transporter so far it still not working but we are getting closer. One day I decided to visit the room on my own to do some study in a quiet place but when the door opened it was a completely different room inside was a desk and a lamp for study with a fireplace and a sofa with a bookcase filled with every book I could ever need. I take Draco there sometimes when we need a space to study and plan some more. We have grown very close over the past two weeks. It feels like I have known him my whole life.

As I was sitting on the sofa reading the last chapter in my Ancient runes book Draco burst through the door. He sat next to me on the sofa and threw his head back. He was dressed in his Quidditch gear. Today was the big match against Grifendoor. Draco has been dreading it his father is always putting so much pressure on him to always be his best. Anytime he is against Harry the pressure triples and Draco feels like he can't breathe.

"hey it will be okay I will be right there. I won't let you face him alone okay. Just look for me ill be there." I said resting my head on Draco's shoulder

"what would I do without you?" Draco asked paying with my hair.

The clock above the fireplace struck three letting us know it was time to leave for the game. We made our way to the filed where I hugged Draco goodbye and wished him luck and went and took my seat next to his father.

my Slytherin prince { a Draco Malfoy love story }Where stories live. Discover now