{chapter four } Before all of this

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  [Updated. Enjoy]  

My Father stood there looking at the three of us. "That will be all Snape," my father said looking at Snape who stood behind Draco and me.

"What is going on? Why have you summoned us back here have you heard of owls and letters?" I ask my father. What was the point in sending me to Hogwarts if he's just going to keep calling me back home.

"Harry Potter has been missing a lot of classes lately" he replies

"What do you mean my lord?" Draco asks stepping closer to me.

My father looks at us as if he is trying to figure something out. "I believe he is trying to follow you." My father states.

"why he doesn't know I'm your daughter why would he follow us? I ask looking at Draco.

"He's well he's had some suspicions about me being a death eater over the last week," Draco says like he's ashamed that someone might know.

"Why didn't you tell me. Draco you know you can tell me anything." I said looking deeply into his eyes. I so very want to kiss him again, but my father is standing right there and he can't find out we kissed.

"what if we stopped working on the plan for a little bit maybe we lead potter to find something else we still sneak off but somewhere different. Get him off our trail and then after winter break we start up again?" I asked my father hoping he would say yes. The longer I put off killing Dumbledore the more time In which I can figure out a way of this for both Draco and me.

"that seems like a sensible idea, Sasha. You will both stop work until the end of winter break. Until then you must get Harry off your trail he could destroy the whole plan if he is to discover what you two have been working so hard on." Father said in agreement. "You are free to go Draco Elijah has dinner waiting in the dining hall for you Sasha will join you soon" just as my father finished Elijah walked through the door from the dining hall and held the door open for Draco.

"Thank my lord. I'll see you soon then Sasha" Draco says

"Yeah, " I say giving Draco a hug without even thinking. I pulled back almost instantly Draco look terrified but quickly left the room Elijah close behind.

"What if you want to talk to me about?" I ask taking a seat hoping he would just let the hug go and not bring it up.

My father just looks at me "You like him don't you?" he asked leading me to a seat on the sofa.

"I really do," I say with a smile.

"your mother use to look at me that same way. Full of love and passion." He took my hand. "your mother would be so proud of the woman you have grown into. I'm so sorry you didn't get to grow up have her or me around." My father always gets soft when he talks about my mother to me. He puts up this cold hard front but when it's just me and him he turns into this giant teddy bear.

"its okay Father I stopped blaming you a long time ago," I say truthfully. I have realized that hating my father for what happened that night won't bring my mother back and just pushes my father away.

"I don't think you should be there when Draco kills Dumbledore," he says

"Why not," I ask

"It's not safe, if things go wrong I don't want you to get hurt," he says

"Farther I have to be there to protect Draco I won't let him do this on his own. I know you need him to prove his loyalty. You can't stop me from being there I told him I promised no matter what I would always be there for him." I say

"I know that no matter what I do you will find a way. You are the only person who is not afraid of me. Just be safe stay in the shadows hide your face. let no one anyone see you" He says

"I promise I will stay safe and hidden," I say leaning over to give him a hug.

I stay there in my father's arm I feel safe there it feels like everything will be okay. I remember back to when my Mother was still alive and how they would both tuck me in and read me stories and tell me how they meet and fell in love.

"Father?" I broke the hug and looked up at my father

"Yes, Sasha?"

"Do you think you could read me a story as you use to before all this happened?" I ask

"I haven't read you a book in a long time." He says pulling out my favorite book. I soon fell asleep to the sound of my father reading to me doing all the different voices.

I dreamed about how things use to be wakening up to the smell of pancakes. my father when he looked more human, nose and all. Standing at the kitchen door with my mother holding a box with a big sliver and green ribbon.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, "they both said hugging me

They gave me my present and a little dragon popped out.

"Thank you, mummy and daddy," I say hugging them

Spending the rest of the day with mum and dad dancing singing having fun flying around on the brooms playing with my new pet.

They had just tucked me into bed and read me my favorite book when I hurt a crashing sound downstairs. I jumped out of bed and run downstairs just in time to see my mum crying on the floor and my farther beaning taken off by some men in robes. I ran over to my daddy "no let him go I said hitting the man with my tiny little hand

The next thing I know I'm on the ground and my mother jumping in front of me to stop a spell from hitting me then the man leaving. My dad crying beside my mother until he got up and left out the front door, little did I know that was the last time I would be seeing him for a very long time..........................

my Slytherin prince { a Draco Malfoy love story }Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora