Chapter Eighteen {the Great Battle}

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My morning didn't start off like my regular morning. I was woken before the sun was even awake. Elijah rushing me to my father's side before I could even get dressed. once we made it to the door separating my father's room for the hallway, Elijah stood behind me waiting to make sure I didn't run for it. I reached out and grabbed the gold doorknob in my left hand slowly turning it pushing the door open as slow as I possibly could. I didn't want to be here, its been so long since I stepped foot in this room. in fact, I haven't been in it since my Father returned. I use to spend hours in there dressing up in my mom's clothes, looking at the photos of her that are plastered on the wall. i took a deep breath before fully pushing the door open. the room was unrecognizable all aspects of my mom removed, her photos were gone, her bottles of perfume, and all the stuff she had on her nightstand vanished.

My father was being dressed by his loyal followers. In his best black cloke with looked like all his other might, I just add. once seeing me he yelled at everyone to get out leaving just us alone in the room.

"Sasha you are to stay here and not leave until I come and tell you so. We take Hogwarts today. HARRY POTTER IS Back and we must strike now." my father announces.

"you're not going to let me fight? What am I to do. Is Draco going to fight? You can't make me stay here while the boy no man I love is out there risking his life for you." I scream. How does he expect me to stay here and do nothing? I need to protect Draco. He needs me.

" Elijah!" he yells. Elijah steps into the room standing waiting for his next orders. " take Sasha and lock her away and then report to me at once."

Elijah escorts me out of the room I look back to see everyone rushing back in the room to finish the task they where previously doing.

" Elijah" I whisper "you can't let him lock me up and leave me here I need to get to Draco" I plead as we got out of earshot of my father's spy.

"I know Sasha, I will as soon as your father has left I will let you out. Now get in there you little brat" Elijah yells the last part making it believable to the two death eaters walking past heading in the direction of the grand.

I stumble into the dark room the only light coming from the doorway. Elijah gives me a sympathy look before slamming and spelling the door shut.

Now all I can do is wait.

Plan, I can plan. Yes, a plan.

Step one: Elijah lets me outStep two: get my wandStep three: find a way to make it to Hogwarts Step four: find Draco Step five: leave before anyone sees us.

There my five-step plan. In which I only know one step will work. I have no idea where my wand is. I don't know how to get to Hogwarts. Or where Draco will even be. Let alone getting out all without being seen.

One hour laterWhere is he? Elijah should be here by now. What's happening. I walk over and start to bang on the door. "let me out!""Elijah let me out please I need to find Draco!" I scream louder as I try kicking the door. Argh, nothing is working. There is only a small amount of light coming in through a small window at the top of the back wall. Ahh, that's it the window. I run over to the window and pull the latches to open it. of course its rusted shut. I take my jacket off and wrap it around my hand and punch the glass in the hope that it will shatter. However, I only end up with an extremely sore hand and wrist.Several more hours pass. I have given up on screaming for help no one is coming. I don't know what Elijah is doing or why he is taking so long to let me out.


I jump up from my sitting position on the floor. My body swings towards the door that has just swung open and crashed against the brick wall.

"Sasha hurry we don't have much time." I didn't move, squinting my eyes trying to get a better look at who owned the womanly voice, it sounds so familiar i just can't put a finger on it. " do stop staring and close your mouth, we don't have much time." she spoke again.Narcissa Malfoy, Draco's mother but what was she doing her saving me rather than protecting her son and standing at my father's side.

"Why are you here?" I ask walking through the door frame into the light.

"for whatever reason my son loves you, he made me promise to protect you and save you from your imprisonment," she said as she hurried down the hallway.

"How did you know where I was?" I questioned following her outside the manor and out past the gate. Father must have had no one guarding the manor.

"Elijah found me as we all gathered outside Hogwarts and informed me of your location, I came here to take you to Malfoy manner where my son will meet you after the Battle." before I could reply Narcissa zapped us to the Malfoy Manor.

"no" I yelled once I found my grounding. "I have to save Draco, my father will kill him," I yell pleading with her.

"The Dark lord promised Draco will be well rewarded for his service and loyalty to the Dark Lord," Narcissa said brushing me off.

"He lied, He has to kill him to gain power of the wand!" I told her. all the color drained from her face.

"He promised," she said nearly above a whisper.

"He lied to you, just like he lied to me countless times. he can't be trusted he only cares about himself and power." I say feeling defeated.

"We have to save my son!"


Argh i am terrible at this hole updating thing, really sorry about the massive long wait between chapters guys, so so so sorry.

my Slytherin prince { a Draco Malfoy love story }حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن