Chapter Fifteen { Here And Now}

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I pulled out my wand and waved it above Draco. I learnt a healing spell back when I was little. I fell off my broom and Elijah used it to heal a big gash in my knee. What was it? Come on Sasha now is not the time to be forgetting important spells.

"Vulnera Sanentur," I said holding my wand in the direction of Draco's bleeding limp body. "Draco, Draco it's me Sasha can you hear me? It's okay your okay now please wake up Draco." I moved my head so my ear was close to his mouth. I can hear him breathing. I let out a breath I did not know I was holding. I have to get him out of here. They will know what happened to Dumbledore soon and they will be looking for everyone in Hogwarts.
Grabbing Draco's arm I try to pull him up of the ground but he won't move I'm too weak. He's still covered in dry blood.
All the blood on Draco's shirt starts to fade. His eye open for a split second I almost missed it.
"Hey you're okay"

"Sasha what....... What"

"shhh Draco it's okay I'm here we have to get you back to the common room before they discover what has happened."

"I couldn't I... I... I'm sorry"

"Hey, hey, hey this is not your fault. I'm sorry I dragged you into this. I'm so sorry its all my fault"
Draco lifted his hand to my cheek and wiped away the few small tears now falling down my face.

"even if I had never met you this would have still happened, my father will do anything to please the Dark Lord. we both know that this is not our fault but our parents."

"We have to get you out of here before they find out what has happened. " I try lifting Draco off the ground where he is still laying. "can you stand?"

"Sasha wait I have to tell you something..." Draco's face went blank and his eyes close. tears started streaming down my face. what do I do, think Sasha think. come on come on there must be something I can do.

all of a sudden the door to the hallway sprung open and snap stood there. "Draco are you in here?" he whispered.

"yes, yes were both in her help Draco's not opening his eyes and has gone plale," I screamed at Snape

Snape came running over and checked if Draco was breathing, he thing picked him up and started heading towards the door. "where are you taking him?" I asked following close behind Snap.

"Sasha you aren't supposed to be here. you need to go home before you farther discovers that you are missing." Snape hurried of leaving me all alone in the corridor.

there are only a few minutes until classes change I need to leave now.

I made my way back to the hut I had arrived in. To discover the man was no longer there. I walked over to his fireplace and grabbed some of the green powder sitting in a cup on the table.

I chucked the power down while saying."Sashmanor" what my farther called home 

A few seconds later I was standing in my bedroom covered in black muck from the fireplace.

I changed out of my dirty clothes and made my way to the bathroom to wash my face.

"Oh There you are Sasha, I had the elf clean up the mess you left in the kitchen and the pancakes you made were delicious. I have also informed the dark Lord of your ill stomach and he wants you to say in bed until you feel better." Elijah says while wiping my face clean.

" Thanks for covering for me. I hate to ask but I need one more favor. Is it possible for you to deliver a message to Snape? "

" I'm sure that I will be able to find a way. Write down your message and I will be sure to collect it when I deliver you super." and with that, Elijah made he way down the hall.

I ran back to my room before anyone else saw that I wasn't ill.

I made my way to my desk and took a seat I was intending to write a letter to Draco or Snape but I didn't know what to say. Dracos life has been destroyed because of me. 

I stood up from my desk so fast my chair fell over causing a loud ban to sound as it hit the floor.  I picked my fallen chair up and placed I upright at my desk and made my way to the kitchen. I never got to eat my pancakes and my tummy was making it's self heard but growling at me as I made my way down the stairs. 

the kitchen had been cleaned of any evidence of my earlier pancake mess and had all the products and supplies laid out for dinner. My father was planning a huge celebration as there was way too much food for just the two of us. there was enough for over 50 people. 

tonight they will celebrate and tomorrow the rest of the plan springs into action. Draco has taken the first step and set the plan in motion. I wonder if my father has told him to attend tonight. I wonder if my father will let me attend. 


Another chapter.

Took way too long not even sure if I even like this chapter. 

my Slytherin prince { a Draco Malfoy love story }Where stories live. Discover now