~4~ A New Hero

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School was called back into session due to Paris going back to normal. Alya had picked you up, and together you walked to school. Once there People were saying hi to you whenever you walked by, everyone knew you overnight.

"Why does everyone know me?" How could they know you were peacock, you haven't even made your debut, they couldn't know.

"I caught it all on camera, it's on my ladyblog, you're a hero." Alya pulled out her phone to show you. Duusu was in your backpack, staying so quiet even you forgot she was there.

You sat down next to Alya and in front of Adrien and Nino. "Hey (Y/N)." Adrien waved at you. "You were really cool out there, I heard you took in Cat Noir, that's really cool of you. Did you get to see Ladybug? You must have if the city is saved."

"No, I only saw Cat Noir, I never saw any sign of Ladybug. I left for a little while but while I was gone the Akuma was taken, Cat Noir was still there though. Cat Noir was safe so whoever came in for the Akuma must have been good." The three believed your lie, Adrien looked a bit disappointed however.

"So no Ladybug... and she just left Cat Noir alone. That's pretty saddening. Where did you go?" Adrien was the only person asking any questions and it honestly made you pretty nervous.

"Just out to get a sweet treat but I got lost while looking for a bakery and decided to just find my way home, so I ended up just really hungry and sore. I'm still trying to learn the streets of Paris." It looked like Adrien was about to say something else but class started forcing you to end your conversation.

After class Adrien dashed out without saying a word to you. Alya wanted to walk home with you but her and Nino had plans so you told them you'd be fine. You knew which way to go and you had Duusu who talked with quietly.

"I don't like lying to my friends Duusu, at least I think they're my friends." The streets were populated but nobody paid any attention to you at all.

"You have to hide your secret identity, if they knew they would understand, I'm sure of it." Duusu retreated back into your bag.

The alleyway in which your house retreated was coming nearer and eventually you were upon it. The key that belonged to you was in the lock, the rusty lock that was refusing to open. The sound of a loud thud behind you made you stop fiddling with your key and instinctively touch your peacock brooch. You quickly turn and calm down just to see Cat Noir.

"Uh, you silly kitty, you scared me half to death, you could have said hi, we are in an alleyway." You turned back to the key and opened your door. "Do you want to come in?"

"I'd be honored to, this is for you," Cat Noir held out a present for you. The wrapping paper was black and the ribbon was green, the box was the size of a Kwami.

"Wha-what's this for? What is it?" You looked up at his face as he walked past you into your house.

"It's for taking me in while I was passed out, as for what it is you'll have to find that out on your own. I'm sure your parents must have not been that happy with you letting me be here, but maybe not, I am a hero of Paris." His voice was somewhat familiar but you weren't sure from where.

"My parents don't know, I'm living here alone, my parents are in a whole other country. I'm not letting them know any time soon that I let some strange man sleep on my couch." You laughed as Cat Noir looked shocked at you.

"Strange? You wound me. But you live alone? Doesn't it get lonely?" You sat next to Cat on the couch.

"Well I've only been here for a few days, but it does get a little scary at night, it's just gotten scarier knowing someone can break into my home while I'm gone, someone not bad, but someone bad might also be able to." A gentle hand touched your back in a comforting way.

"Don't worry, you have the most trustworthy hero of Paris watching over you, besides you're a tough little lady. If you can beat the sandman you can beat creepy lock picking man." He was right especially now with your miraculous. "Now, I should be going, little lady, I promise you'll always be safe, so don't be scared alright?" You nod as he leaves your home. Inside the ribbon, and the wrapping paper, and the box was a slice of cake that said thank you on it. You smiled as you felt a blush rise to your cheeks, what a cute kitty.

Meanwhile elsewhere

A man opens a safe full of secrets, hiding everything from his son. He found things were out of the ordinary, things had gone missing since the last time he had searched through it. A book was gone along with a brooch that once belonged to his wife. The man froze.

"Peacock... It's Ladybug, Ladybug was gone, She was stealing her miraculous. Curse Ladybug, I will get Peacock back." He slammed the safe shut and run up to hide out in his attic.

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