Chapter 33

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 Jay Wolfe

"Ferry got completely cancelled." Ivan announced as he flopped down on the benches beside us. "The blizzard isn't clearing up soon like the weather said."

I shivered and pulled my jacket closer. "Might as well go to the Pokémon Center then."

"Yeah." Soren agreed before standing up and taking my hand. "Let's get going before it gets any worse."

"Because it would matter." I sighed. "It isn't like we could actually see to begin with when the blizzard started."

"Maybe we should stay inside then." Ivan suggested. "Sure it's colder but at least we won't stand the chance of getting lost."

He did have a point and I looked outside to see the world was whited out from the snow. "Yeah... that sounds like a good plan. We should keep guard though in case there's a spy from Valhalla about. The last thing we need is a fight with them in these close quarters."

"Yeah." Ivan agreed.

Soren tensed beside me, his eyes seeming to glow a brighter blue for a moment. "They won't take anyone of us again. They'll have to go over my dead body."

"Yeah." I agreed. I wasn't going to let them catch us again either. "I'll take first watch with Curse, he'll probably sense something before I do if anything comes for us."

"Okay." Ivan glanced around as people around us talked in their own groups or started to risk going out into the snow.

I sighed and stared at the tile floor as we fell into silence. It wasn't late enough to actually go to sleep yet but there wasn't much to do in a small space like this. Even a battle would be hard to have considering the movement that could be involved and the people still here... this wasn't a place that was built to host people for long. You got a ticket, maybe waited a little for the boat, then left- or arrived and walked out if you had gotten off a boat. Though, I would've thought Iceshore would've made this place better considering the weather around the city in case people did get stuck in here. I stared ahead, not really watching for anything particular but I wasn't spacing out completely just as a precaution if something did happen.

Soren shifted beside me restlessly and put his arm around me. "I wish we could leave... anything would beat sitting here doing nothing."

"Yeah..." I agreed and leaned against him. "You thinking we should head out into the blizzard like some of those other people?"

"We'd just be bored in the Pokémon Center too." Ivan spoke up as he stared down at a game on his phone.

I felt Soren's chest vibrate slightly as he gave a silent laugh before whispering in my ear. "Yeah... well I bet we could find something interesting to do."

I blushed and elbowed him playfully before sitting up and turning to look at him. "I bet you could think of something."

"Can you guess what it is?"

"Of course." I smirked and gave him a quick kiss on his neck before moving away. "But we should really come up with a strategy or something for the gym. We already can look up his pokémon... though, it won't help with any training we should do beforehand considering we can't train in here."

"We have a good enough plan." He sighed and pulled me against him as he ran a hand through my hair. "It would be nice to spend more time together instead of just traveling and planning together, you know, actually have dates. I want to be champion, and will try beating you to get it when the time comes, but I want to act like an actual couple at times too."

"I know... maybe after we beat Venin we can go out to eat or something." I offered.

"Sounds good. I'll make sure you don't forget." He smiled.

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