Chapter 20

322 4 5

3 years later

I'm woke up to yelling

"Rawrrr uncle mattasaurus is gonna eat you"
"Ahh no unwle mwatt don't eat wus"
"Pwease dont weat us"

"I'm kidding guys. I won't eat you. Oh Nash good morning
Who's up this early. It's oh never mind it's 10 am. Love staying with Matt and shawn they help out with the triplets now that they are three they are more independent but they can still get in trouble. Skylar is my tomboy girl. She'll wear a dress but is quick to play in mud while Rylee is always getting into Mohagonys makeup when she visits so we had to buy some play one before she ruined the real stuff. Peter oh Peter is just like his dad. He's shyer than the girls which I can tell why thy are always dragging him into something. We have done our best to discipline them. And so far I think it's been doing ok. Right now is potty training which is well hard.  It was hard when they switched from cribs to bed. They would get out of the child locks on the door and sleep with me. I'm not complaining but I like my alone time. And I can tell Shawn and Matt do too. Shawn he blew up. He has two albums and is on break from tour right now. That's why Matt came to live with me for when Shawn was on tour.

*ding dong*
I'm cut off from my thoughts of my little munchkins by the doorbell.

I carefully walk around toys everywhere to the door.
I open the door and too busy picking a lego off my foot to notice who it is.

That voice.

A/n. Done waned to end it at 29 chapter. May be a sequel may not. Who would read the sequel if I have one.

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