Chapter 12: Oh My.

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Bf/n's clothes for later^^^

Warning: Mild Language.

April 25. 12:30pm


It's been three days since Bf/n woke up. Today she could finally go home! Anthony and I decided to go get some lunch first. Ian was supposed to come with us too, but he just decided to stay with Bf/n while she took her final tests.

Smosh was also on a short pause for making videos at the moment, well until tomorrow anyway.

"So where are we eating?"

"What about Lily's Diner?" Anthony smiled, making me nod excitedly. Lily's was where we were supposed to eat before the accident. 

~time skip~

"I love the food here so much." I said, looking at the giant sign. "Same here!"

We went in and sat in a small booth. The waitress came over, smiling, "Hey you guys come here individually all the time! It's nice to see two of our most loyal customers dating." 

"Oh uh- we're not dating." Both Anthony and I said in unison, not giving each other eye contact.

"Oh, my apologies. Would you like me to take your orders?"


You guys ordered, then waited. Anthony cleared his throat,

"I have an offer." 

"What is it?" 

"Ian and I have discussed this already, and I was thinking about everything you told me about Aiden and about your job and stuff..." Anthony trailed off.


"and he probably already asked Bf/n this, so I'll be asking you this question."

"Okay then..." you said anxiously.

"Do you want to maybe.......

join Smosh?"

"WHAT!?" You were speechless.

"We need a lot of extras for our next skits and after some time passes you could even audition to be part of the Smosh Squad!"

"Anthony, I don't know what to say... you would really do that for us?" 

"Of course I would!" 

"Thank you thank you thank you!!!" You celebrated, just as the food arrived.

"So I'm guessing that's a yes?"


"I can't believe you actually want us to join!" you celebrated, making Anthony chuckle. Anthony then drove you both back to the hospital. 

"I can't wait for her to be able to get out." you said walking into the hospital with Anthony. You told a nurse you were visiting Bf/n's room, and she led you there for the nth time.

"You brought her extra clothes didn't you?"

"Of course, Anthony." you chuckled, holding the bag with the clothes up so he could see.

You both walked into the hospital room to see Bf/n and Ian kissing again, but this time more passionately.

"Oh my... it hasn't even been a week since we first met." you whispered to Anthony setting down the bag of clothes. Anthony cleared his throat. 

"OH GOD, HOW LONG HAVE YOU TWO BEEN STANDING THERE?" Ian uttered, breaking the kiss. 

"Long enough." Anthony chuckled.

"Here's your clothes, Bf/n."

"Thanks Y/n!" 

After Bf/n dressed up, and after the last blood test, she was ready to go.

"So I can't believe we could be extra actors for Smosh!" you squealed beside Bf/n in Anthony's car.

"And we didn't even have to audition!" Bf/n chuckled.

"Of course not! You guys were already amazing at acting." Ian said from the front passenger's seat.

"So what's the skit tomorrow?" you asked.

"One letter off video games." Anthony announced from the driver's seat.


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