Yeah. It would kinda suck if I had to move and go to a new school because change can be difficult. But I don't understand how making friends is the problem. It's the easiest part of the transition. I mean, I can assume. I'm good at making friends so it's just a given. I've been put into that situation before, however, when I watch tv or hear stories it just pisses me off because, why? How hard can it be to say 'hey I'm new wanna introduce me to people or be my friend yourself? It's all good with me.' Unless you're a horrible person and no one likes. In that case just die in a hole.

The ear piercing bell rang awaking me from my thoughts. I walk into the library. Why would such an extroverted, opinionated person chose to go to the library? I like to read. And as you already know, listen to people's conversations. I decided to get a notebook and just write down all these conversations I hear.

Conversation 1:
"Yeah, but chicken nuggets just taste better than French fries."

"We're not talking about McDonald's shit, we're talking about in and out! How could you even say that!"

"I have taste butts."

"You taste ass?"

"I think you mean buds."

"Isn't that for like cigarettes, bro?"

I was about to write another one down but this tall blonde boy say next to me. The same boy who's conversation I've listened too once before. It was much better than the one I just heard about tasting ass. I bumped into him at lunch too. His. Fucking. Eyes. Disgusting.

"Hey, Amber. Do you have a second?"

"If I did, it would be up by now, Dick-a-tron." I'm intimidating, Not good at insulting nicknames. "And how the hell does a loser like you know my name?"

"You know what I meant. And who doesn't know the name of the great Amber Rose."

"Everyone." I mumble.


No one was suppose to hear it, so I switched topics. "Ask me your fucking question God damn it."

"You bumped into me at lunch, or I bumped into you, same thing-"

"Hurry the hell up." I say getting anxious for him to just get to the point.

"I just wanted-" I look at him, my eyes grow wide and I shake my head motioning for him continue and that I'm annoyed with his sudden pause. I then realize he's staring at something beside me. I turn my head to see the hunky love of my life sitting next to me.

"Dylan hi!" I exclaim, mood completely changing from when I was talking to Blake.

"Ok as I was saying." Blake continues ignoring the fact that I'm trying to talk to Dylan.

"Blake just shut up and save it for another day." Can he not see I rather be with someone else?

"My name isn't Blake. It's lu-"

"LEAVE." Dylan yells at him and makes everyone in the library turn their heads.

As he picks up his bag and was about to walk away, I called him. "Lu!"

"Ke." He responds with a bit of sass.

"I don't like your eyes." Once that escapes through my light pink lips, I feel like déjà vu filled the air around me.

He looks at me fairly annoyed. He looks like someone who would have more of a social life than he does. Oh lu! Haha, stop Amelia! And give me my jacket back! I have to shake my head. Go away.

"Pardon?" He says still annoyed snapping me back to reality.

"I just figured that the very few compliments you get in your life, they're mainly about your eyes." I pause to see if he's following. "I don't."

"I didn't ask you." He said challenging me.

"I didn't say I didn't like your lips, or your nose, or your jawline, or your hair, or your height, or your ridiculously cute smile." And as I finish saying that he shoots me that same smile.

"I like your eyes." Dylan buds in.

"Thanks." both me and Luke say at the same time.

"He was probably talking to you, I'm sorry." Luke stated as he shook his head. He turned around walking towards the back exit of the library.

"I was talking about him actually." Dylan said making me turn my head back towards him. "Your eyes are disgusting. They look like a freaking swamp."

I think he's stupid or just hasn't looked in the mirror lately. I'm going with stupid.

"Dyl, Your eyes are green too."

"But mine are a nice green."

With that I just stare at him with my eyebrows furrowed. Whatever he says I guess. But for the record, my eyes are a way nicer green than his. Still beats Blake's though.

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