A/N: short chapter but it's ok😂😂 instead of making a whole dialogue chapter of what happened on the football field, I decided to sum it up in Amber/Amelia's POV. Also, there is some connection from here and where she spoke about varsity jackets in chapter 12. Also: 1) Amy is pronounced (M. E// Emmie) not (aim-E ) 2) every chapter has very specific detail that will show up again sometime in the fanfic so you definitely have to pay attention. Some super exciting chapters coming up!!! 😘😘 enjoy.      
-Aliss-UGH19 xx

Luke and I were sat on the back of his black truck talking about what happened earlier tonight. The whole reason Ethan didn't want Dylan to talk to Gabriella is because Luke didn't want Dylan to talk to Gabriella about just anything. A nice hello. How are you. Good. Thanks. See ya in a while little crocodile. That's fine. Luke wanted him to have a relationship with his sister, for his sisters sake, it's just he didn't want Dylan saying things that she's still to young to know, or about how she has a sister that they can easily come in contact with, they just aren't by choice.

If you think I took being rejected by the Hemmings family bad, then you should have seen how bad Alessia took it. They want her to be older for Gabriella to see her. She knows about her sister because they were together in foster care. However, Alessia doesn't have an interest in Gabriella since she was chosen instead. Why was Ethan protecting her for Luke's sake you ask? Best. Friends. I know, it came as a shocker to me too. I knew they used to be, I just didn't think after that night......Besides the point. The only reason they kept it on the down low is because the Jocks can't associate with people of Luke's class. Dylan isn't all about that life and Dylan also has power to take them off the team and Ethan didn't want to risk it. Luke's also very good friends with Jack, who is also and jock. He graduated from Davenforth 2 years ago and happens to be Ethan's older brother. Jack and Ethan Loveheart. The schools most prize possessions. Dylan had no bad intention for talking to his sister, which is what me and Luke are talking about. That Dylan Kost can actually have a heart.

"I'm just shocked I liked someone that isn't a dick." Luke just chuckled at my statement.

"Why? Do you only like dicks?"

"It seems like it. I mean, you never wore a varsity jacket either. I only like dicks with varsity jackets. There had to be a point where you had a jacket. There had to be, I could swear." This is partially from knowing I can't just randomly like this guy for no stereotypical reason and the fact that I have images in my mind.

He again just chuckled. "You mean, if I've ever made a team?"

"Yeah. You had to at least once."

"Yeah. I used to be captain. Everything kinda just changed after that night."

"That makes sense." I breathed out a little louder then intended.

"What makes sense?" Luke asks as he interlocked his fingers together and puts them behind his head as he laid along the length of the truck.

"No, I knew you had to at one point. I'm not into people who don't, so I knew something was up. But that explains why you're friends with Ethan and stuff too." I turn too see his face. He has his signature smirk playing on his lips. I was expecting him to say that I was shallow for only liking the populars, but instead;

"Are you saying you're into me, Amelia Rochelle?"

With the same cheekiness I replied. "I'm saying someone with a body like that can't just sit in math class all day and leave with a guitar slung around their shoulder."

We both erupted into a fit of giggles when Luke's mom walks outside. "You kids okay out here? It's nearly 2 in the morning, don't wake the neighbors."

"2 in the morning?" I say frantically. "Foster care is going to kill me, I better get going. I'm sorry Mrs Hemmings and thank you for having me."

"No problem my love." Liz says as Luke and I jump off the end of the black truck and open the doors. I get in and slam the door shut before Luke even opens his. "Luke, honey." Liz calls. "Yeah, Mum?" Luke says turning his head, hand still on the handle of the door. "Are you trying to make your dad and I not regret our decision or are you actually falling for her?" Luke's face falls blank. "Your decision was made because I already did." He responds, leaving a smile on his moms face. Little did they both know, the windows to Luke's little black truck were open.

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