A/N: hey guys!!! Ok so if anyone is reading this (it says 24 views but No one comments😂) make sure u comment because i would love to hear what you guys think of this story. I'm still very new to writing so I'm sorry it's awful. Also, I edit the story once all the chapters are completed so ignore the mistakes! I have a fully completed fanfic called Blue which is also a Luke fanfic that you may read if u want to read a completed story! Thanks so much and remember to comment or vote!💞💞💞💞

Luke's POV

I'm not sure what just happened. Someone who acts so different from me, so outspoken, so true to her beliefs, just kissed me. Just a few weeks ago she didn't even know my name. I don't understand why or how my lips on hers even crossed her mind. Is she starting to fall for me? Or is this whole thing to build me up for her to crumble me down in 1000 pieces? She doesn't open up to anyone so how on earth am I suppose to talk to her about it? I had to stop thinking as I felt my heart stop once she let out a giggle.


I wanted to kiss him. So I did. He's got nice lips so I wanted to see how they worked. If they work the way I remember, despite how much I try and erase the memories from that night. The way he looks after though is strange. I can't tell if he has seen a ghost, never been kissed before(which I know isn't the case) or as if I stole all the moon, sun and stars and put them in his eyes. His furrowed eyebrows indicating he was confused. I couldn't help but chuckle at how much he looked like Stiles did in Teen Wolf when Lydia kissed him to help his panic attack in season 3.

"Why are you laughing?"

"You look like you just saw a ghost."

"Ya know, other girls would have just gotten all insecure and ask me if you did something wrong or if I didn't enjoy it."

"Oh baby, I'm pretty sure you enjoyed it." I say putting my hand to his cheek. "Plus, you kissed the great Amber Rose. You are awestruck and honoured." I whispered closer to his ear as I was walking away. He gripped my waist gently and brought me closer to him to whisper in my ear. He's trying to play the same game as me. He better watch it. I've never lost.

"I kissed Amelia Rochelle. And I know that for a fact."

Amber come back! You're such a little shit! The giggle echoed in my head making me feel lightheaded.


She felt comfortable around me. I know that now. The night everything happened Amber Rose kissed me. The greed, attention craving and roughness showed me that. Whether that's because that's just who she is or it's because she was kissing the captain, it was like a competition she needed to win. This was so delicate. It was who she was and I brought that out of her. Even though her being adopted in my family didn't work, and she won't admit to it yet, she's finding her home within me.

When Two Ends Meet//LRHDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora