I sat in my bunk bed at the foster care facility texting Luke Hemmings. I cringe of the last name now knowing they're from the same bloodline as the people who made me loose all my hope, pride and happiness. Ok don't get me wrong, I'm not necessarily unhappy because things are actually going my way pretty well, but this guy has to come in and ruin everything. I am perfectly content with Dylan being my almost boyfriend. He said he'll break up with Ashley soon. When is soon? I don't know but he clearly likes me and wants to do it while being a gentleman. How respectful. Anyways, this Hemmings guy somehow comes on into my life like it's nothing and starts talking to me like he knows me. Which apparently he does and that fucking scares me because, like buddy, I don't even that much about my past. I really want to know more so I ask him if we can meet up by the bridge. It's more of a board over by the water but whatever.

Me: bridge? Like 5:00?
Fuckface: that's in like 15 mins. And what the hell are u gonna do. jump?
Me: you fucking retard. And yea so? U need 3 hours to go walk on a freaking wood board above the lake?
Fuckface: ok so we're not jumping? It's all good we'll just drown when the fucking wood breaks then *fume of smoke comes out of nostrils emoji*
Me: u bttr be at the bridge fucker.
Fuckface: U better be willing to talk Amelia.

{15 mins later}

As I'm walking onto the bridge, Luke is at the same place on the opposite side. 2 more steps Amy(pronounced Emmy/M-E) . 2 more. I don't wanna move 2 more steps but the voices feel like they are coming to life creating a wind storm around me, sending shivers down my spine, to after push me to him. I try and keep my feet planted to the ground but the force is much to strong.

"Why did you want me here exactly?" Luke asked trying to break the silence.

"I want to know how you know everything. Like my name? The orphanage didn't know that. And how is Gabriella? And why are you sorry?" I ask all at once, so many questions flooding my thoughts. I need answers. As much as this one would hurt, and I would have to push it up my throat and swallow down the tears, I had to. "Do you know why they didn't want me?" I choked.

"I was one of their boys. They kept me and my brothers posted on everything going on so I know a lot of what you said to them, and your past because of the orphanage. Gabriella is good. She's 10 now. She is kinda a trouble maker. When did I say I was sorry?" He said answering all the questions except the most important one.

"The foster care thought my name was Amber Rose. They only knew what I told them Luke, you're not telling me something. And you didn't say sorry but you looked sorry."

"Oh. Yeah well, we'll get to that. But um, as for the foster care. When your mom came in that day, she filled them in and they got all your actual information."

My eyes widened. The other question is no longer the most important.

"When my what did what?"

"Your mom, when she came in one day looking for you she gave them your information. Amelia how come you-"

"Don't call me that! And she knew I was there? She knew I was pretending, told them the truth and just left me to sit in an foster facility as if I didn't have a family when she was right there and knew that I was right fucking in front of her?!" No tears were clogging my eyes. Only anger flooding through my veins. This almost complete stranger knows more than I do about my life.

"I'm sorry, I thought yo- what did you think happened Ame- Amber." He said correcting himself. He looked almost hurt.

"I thought she came in, asked if I was there and the orphanage said their was no one with that name, and left. I had no idea she just gave me up." My life is almost flashing before my eyes. I knew she didn't want me but to stoop to the level of actually leaving me. Unfucking believable.

"That's disgusting."
I thought we was referring to the couple in front of us making out. I couldn't agree more.

"No kidding. Get a room."

"No I mean, your mom. No offence because that is your mom but how can you abandon your kid? You go find her to bring her home not to officially give her up. Please don't tell me you have siblings because she doesn't deserve kids."

"None taken. She's a bitch. And I have 2 older brothers. Don't worry though. They are kings. She'll bend over backwards to make them happy. I was a daddy's girl, but he left too. I would've been with him if we didn't move but we moved because she didn't want him to find me." I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders. No one knew that about me and now I'm trusting him with this. What is coming over me? Where are the voices now to stop me?

"I'm really sorry."

"It's ok. But why are you really sorry? And why didn't they want me, Luke?"

He sighs. "I'm sorry because they didn't want you because of me. You were the new girl at Davenforth and Jesus Christ I've never seen a freshman, we'll ever really because I was new to high school as well, but that looked that. Just. Wow. Everyone knew you had it from head to toe, you made heads turn from a mile away. The second we heard your shoes click on the floor, really. When I saw your picture that my parents brought home from the orphanage place, I knew I had to do or say something that would make them not take you because Amber, holy shit they wanted you. You were their perfect daughter, you even looked just like my family." I just stared at him funny. He picked up on my confused expression. "Ok well not really." I chuckle and that makes him smirk before he continues. I wasn't gonna let my crush become my sister Amber, that's disgusting. I'm so so sorry, I was selfish but if it makes you feel any better. I'm suffering now because I'm watching you fall for Dylan and it kills me." As he finishes he rests both forearms sideways on the railing with his palms connecting, intertwining fingers, looking over the bridge.

"You like me? You have barely talked to me." I say not believing anything he's saying right now. I mean, I believe he thinks I'm hot but not that he likes me and has since grade 9.

"Me not talking to you and knowing everything about you is what intrigues me. We are so much more alike than you think and that's the reason why I know so much about you. And that day...." He coughs.

I scoff, roll my eyes and resume the same position over the bridge as him.

"Whatever. Luke Hemmings I appreciate the honesty. Just promise me no one knows about this, ok? Not Dylan, not my friends, not your friends, no one. Ok?" I say putting my pinky beside his hands to symbolize the promise. Very important key to promises. I could tell he thinks it's silly because he just giggles but still wraps his pinkie around mine. His pinkie is the size of my middle finger. My pinkie is the size of Dylan's hand. Not to mention Dylan doesn't have an entire foot and then some over me. This guy is a giant.


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