I run fast down the halls of hell (High School) and grab on the sides of my leather jacket to stop them from flaring out as I ran. I stop at a locker with a tall semi blonde boy grabbing books from his bag and putting it into his locker. His last period was over so I can take my time. My charges slow down as I approach him faster and slam his locker door shut making him look at me wide eyed and scared.

"Why in hell's fucking name are you on the fucking radio?" I say through gritted teeth trying not to spit.

"You recognized-"

"Spare me the fucking details Hemmings."

He scoffs lightly. "Amy-"

"Are you fucking stupid?" I state turning my head fiercely making sure no one is around.

"That's your name, and I'm aloud to say your fucking name and watch your dirty mouth, you cussed like 50 times in 1 minute and we are near the principles office."


She's actually so cute. She comes running with her straightened brown hair, met at the back by two thin braids going along the crown of her head. She holds the sides of her leather jacket which compliments the black skinny jeans, white tee shirt and s8er vans very well. She looks up at me with her gorgeous green eyes and jet black eyelashes due to her mascara. That's the only makeup she really wears and my god, she doesn't even need that. She acts so tough and right now, I'm kind of obsessed with the fact that just me shooting her a smirk can make her stomach irrupt with butterflies. Or whatever you girls call them.

"I don't care about the fucking principle you fucking retard" she starts again. "I asked you a question, and I would appreciate an answer."

"We recorded a song. Some stations in Sydney wanted to play it. It's no big deal but quite frankly I want to know why you care so much. You've been doing that a lot lately."

She furrows her eyebrows, making her eyes squint, a challenging look in her eye already.

"Doing what a lot?" She asks popping a hip to the side and placing her arms over he chest.


She licks her lips and flares her nose before she continues "The one who calls me Amy should know that."

I fake gasp for the extra effect. "Did, Amber Rose, just admit to something?" I say, pauses every now and then in my words to get my point across.

She giggles. That fucking giggle.

"Watch your mouth Hemmings."

"Why you gonna kiss it again?"
My face grew wide but yet I couldn't stop the smile on my face. What a cocky little shithead. What do you even say to that? I'm never speechless but all this kid does is make me speechless. I search for words to say in my empty head and choked up throat.

"Wasn't the first time and it won't be the last." I managed to get out.

"We were different people back then though. Everything is a fresh start now."

For once I don't interject the fact that I was a different person. I don't put my guard up and I don't debate it. There isn't anything to hide from someone who makes my own demons hide from me.

"I didn't change for the better, Luke." I say completely defenceless.

He puts his hand on my cheek and presses his forehead to mine with the smirk that is always on his face. "In that case even your worse is too good for me."

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