You know when everything seems to be going right and that's what's so wrong about everything? Yeah. Same. I never really understood that. I mean, if it's going right how is it wrong because I know for a fact everything that's wrong isn't right and.....what the hell was that? I swear I heard an echo. I could have promised myself and sworn to God above, a much more masculine voice than my own just said what I just said. It couldn't be the voices in my head. How do I know that exactly? Because that's the same voice that makes them go away. That's the thing that is so right that it's wrong. It's him.


Maybe this time, two wrongs make it right.

My eyes widen and I couldn't help but stand completely still for a minute.



"Brooke did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" She asks looking up from her phone, placing it on her crossed legs.

"What the song just said."

"Yeah. Something about fixing a broken heart with a paper clip or some shit."

I would reply but the song isn't done and this voice also sounds very familiar. Possibly even distant.

"LUCAS FUCKING HEMMINGS!" Ashton calls out to me from the entrance doors of the library as he runs as fast as his feet can take him. The librarian gets up from her chair as she puffs her cheeks.



Ashton fucking Irwin. It was Ashton Irwin's voice. It was Ashton.

"IT'S ON THE RADIO LUKE!" Ashton screams from over the librarians shoulder.

As I'm trying to process everything, the second chorus comes on and I have had enough. Why would their voices be on the radio? It makes no sense. I walk all the way to the office where the PA system is and see all the technical nerds getting all fidgety once they see me walk in.

"Can you replay the song that was just playing in the library?" I ask getting straight to the point, not wanting to spend anymore time with these nerds.

"Sure thing." The curly headed one says as he hits a bunch of buttons before the song starts playing.

Runaway were the long lost children, running to the edge of the world, everybody wants to through us away, broken boy meets broken girl.

I gasp. Everything is flooding back to my mind.

"It's kinda a situation of broken boy meets broken girl and that's what she's avoiding."

My mind is playing with me. No way did I remember that right. I run to my locker and open up my backpack that holds one little notebook with a bunch of torn out pages. I flip to the page that held all of the conversations. I sunk down, hugging my knees and sat in absolute silence. My mind wasn't playing around.

When Two Ends Meet//LRHWhere stories live. Discover now