I sat at the bleachers of the game. Everyone was chanting and munching on their snacks but my head wouldn't stop spinning and making unwanted sounds. I want them to go away. They have been gone for a while now, why did they come back? As I shake my left leg Ashton puts his hand on it.

"Amber. Chill, we're winning its not that hard to keep up the streak."

"We're winning?" I ask questionably.

"Christ. She's not even paying attention." Calum says throwing his hands up in surrender. He hates me. And I can't fucking understand why. Luke was about to say something but I needed to stand up for myself.

"And like you're enjoying this game, Calum? The only football you are even familiar with is the soccer type so stop acting like you give a shit! You would kill to be at home right now practicing your keep ups for next weeks soccer game but you aren't because why? You didn't make the team. You're the nerd scribbling down lyrics in the music room and who the hell would want that as Davenforth's soccer player? I've been trying so hard with you all night and you just keep dragging me down! You don't know the first thing about me so don't even fucking think about judging me." I say ignoring the shocked look in his face and sit back down in my seat next to the very shocked Luke and very annoyed Ashton. I must have confused Calum's emotions because he got right up and wasn't gonna let me get away with anything I just said.
I'm not gonna let him yell at her, but she just did to him. If I can't control her I shouldn't control him. This is between them and I should stay out of it. But I don't want to.

"You may think you have me down to the T but my love you are so wrong. You think you are some mystery? I know more shit about you than you do about yourself so don't walk in here messing with Luke's head and think that you can get to ours. Not how it works." Calum finishes and sits down again. Calum is right in some ways, but she isn't messing with my head. They have to understand they have to accept her first before she will accept them. Her walls are way to high.

"I don't even know why I'm trying so hard for you people. I don't have to impress anyone here. Luke why do you even care so much? It's not like I'm your girlfriend and I need to get along with your best mates." Amelia says shocking everyone. Including myself. "And just FYI, I know more shit about me then I let people know. And if you think you know what happened at that party, you're wrong. Not like you're popular enough to get invited and see it with your own dark brown eyes. Rumours are rumours, Hood. So watch your mouth unless you see something with your eyes." 

I was walking down from the bleachers when someone called my name.

"Amber!" A young girls voice shouted. I turn my head and see here sitting in a row with 2 people I could recognize with my eyes closed. Liz and Andy Hemmings.

The little girl I soon realized was Gabriella and she came running to me, giving me the biggest hug. "I missed you Ambie!" Ugh. I hate that nickname. It's takes the same amount of time to say Amber, so just say my full name.{chapter 6} Ok. Maybe that isn't why I hate that nickname. Maybe it's because it reminds me of the 6 year old girl who I thought ruined my life.

"Hey Gabby! How are you?" I try and fake excitement. I look up and see Luke's parents. Andy eyes are wide and mouth is hung open. Liz put her hands on her face and said "I'm sorry. Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." I want to say hi. My mouth is open but I can't function words and my sight is getting blurry of tears.

"AMELIA! AMY!" Luke reaches where I am on the bleachers out of breath and just stares at me with the most sorrowful eyes. "I'm so sorry." He breathes.

Andy finally speaks up once Gabriella lets go of my leg to jump into Luke's arms. "You are gorgeous, sweetheart." He manages to say looking at me awestruck. Glad someone noticed my glow up.

Liz was going to say something through her tears but all of our attention turned to the game that fell silent. Dylan was in the middle of the field. He took off his helmet, dropped it to the side and ran up to where we were in the crowd.

"Gabriella." He says in shock. He was really emotionless and no one knew what to think. "DON'T TOUCH HER!" We all hear as Gabriella screams and puts her head on Luke's shoulder. Ethan ran up to Dylan who starts pushing him away from Luke, Me and Gabriella. I'm so conflicted and I don't see a problem with Dylan talking to his own sister. It's not like he would hurt blood, so I spoke up. "And what's wrong with him talking to his own sister?"

"AMELIA!" Dylan screamed as if the world shattered to pieces under his feet.

"His what?" Ethan looked at me with furrowed eyebrows, crowd still dead silent. He turns to Dylan who he is currently holding onto the shoulders of. "And who the hell is Amelia?"

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