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She didn't even know where to begin. She just felt like bursting into tears at any given moment. She was dying inside by the minute.

First, he wanted to force her to marry him. For what reason? She didn't know. All she knew was that he was a stuck up rich brat who cared about nobody but himself and his wealth.

Second, he wanted to take her away from her family and friends. How could he do that to her? She never did him any wrong! He was just a mean cold hearted person.

Third, ugh... she just hated him! He made her want to break that stupid head of his.

She had gone and prayed both zuhr and asr at their respective times at the park mosque, waiting to cool off before going home then came back to the park again.

By then, she was in tears. The poor girl was just thinking about how she was going to survive with the guilt of hiding all what had happened from her family.

She didn't know what to do. Her heart hurt so badly and her eyes were swollen and puffy from all the crying.

She took out her phone to see that she had 12 missed calls and 23 messages. 3 missed calls were from Aiza, 4 were from her father, 2 were from saira, 1 was from her mother, khidir and amrah each. She decided to call Aiza first.

She dialed the number and on the first ring Aiza picked up as if she had been waiting for the call much like the devil had done earlier.

"Afni Imran! Where in the world have you been? Do you know how worried we were. Heck, your ammi was freaking out when I called her."

She shouted so loud that poor Afni had to move the phone from her ear.

"I'm sorry sister Aiza. I just went to the park and I totally forgot. How about I tell you where I am and you guys can come here?"

"Next time when you are going somewhere you have to tell somebody, okay? Send me the directions immediately."

She scolded as if she was her mother.

"OK, habibiti."

And with that, the phone clicked shut.

She immediately texted Aiza her current location and she said that they were nearby. She stood up and walked to the nearest tap and washed her face and hands of any sign of her tears.

She entered a candy shop that was close by and bought chocolate for the girls as bribe. She hoped they would forgive her. She then sat down and texted everybody that called or texted her earlier.

"Afni Imran!"

Saira shouted and her eyes widened at her cousin's furious expression.

She immediately took out the chocolate bars and waved it in their faces. They all jumped on her and stole the bars from her hands and started munching on them immediately.

"You-" munch "are-" munch "in-" munch, munch and moan "huge-" munch "trouble." Lick, Lick and moan again.

She chuckled and handed them more of the milky goodness and ate the rest.

After the chocolate was exhausted, they turned to look at her. Uh oh! Now there was no saving her.

Anwaar had a murderous glare on her face that made shivers race up the receiving person's spine. She used that look to threaten people.

"Now, tell us what happened."

Saira commanded with her hands on her hips, raising her eyebrows and narrowing her eyes at her next victim.

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