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Before Afni knew it, it was time for maghrib. She left the place she was sitting, under a shelf with many books sprawled around her on the lush carpeted floors and went out the library.

She knew she'd never find her way back to her room without getting lost but thankfully, Abeer had introduced her to the fact that intercoms were placed all over the house.

They can be used to call on a maid or a butler or they can be used to find out if the chefs are done cooking a meal.

She walked over to the closest intercom that was placed opposite the library door. She stood in front of it, not knowing how the heck the thing was operated. It had too many little buttons and a speaker.

She reached out a pointer finger and tried pushing all the buttons to find the right one. When she did, she heard an unclear sound coming from it and suddenly, somebody spoke.

"Yes? Maid number two, ready and at your service!"

A cheerful voice spoke through the thing and her voice boomed so loud and clear.

"Uh, thanks. I'm at the library and I don't know how to get back to my room. Can you please come over and assist me?"

She asked tentatively through the speakers, hoping that the person heard her from the other side as she pressed down on the button and talked then releasing it when she was done.

"Sure ma'am. I'll be on my way right now. I'll be there in a few minutes."

The lady called out and Afni sighed in relief and thanked her.

Fifty minutes later, there she was, standing outside her room, done with her fard and nafl salahs, trying to remember exactly where Abeer's room was located in that giant labyrinth. The bad thing was that she couldn't find the intercom.

She decided to try her luck and went down the hallways with a big hopeful smile on her face and a confident mind.

Fifteen minutes later, she had ended up back at her room four times. She was going to give up after one more try.

She walked straight, took a right turn, went down the hallway, took a left turn twice and finally walked straight.

She was expecting to finally get out of where she was but things just got worse. She was completely lost and unlike the other four times, she didn't end up back at my room.

Oh no! She was in a place she had never been before. It was totally foreign and the hallways were a bit dim. She was going to start panicking but she saw light streaming through a slightly open door.

Oh yes! She's safe.

She walked over to the door and was about to knock when shr heard a voice saying her name. A voice that she'd recognize from anywhere.

The rooms were sound proof but because the door was slightly open, she could hear it.

"-Afni girl. Are you really married to her? Or is it a joke? Who is she? Who are her parents? Do I know them? I don't think I do because a name like hers can't be forgotten. It is very unique nowadays."

A soft voice queried and by the way the voice squeaked a little bit, Afni knew it is definitely Almir's mother.

"Ummi, I told you! I love her. I really do, she completes me and she is very religious too as I heard. We are really married mom! We got married in court. You don't know her parents I'm sure. Her father works at my part of the industries. Mom, you know I'll never lie to you, right? Calm down."

A gruff, and deeper yet silkier voice assure cooly and she instantly recognized it as her husband's voice.

She knew it wasn't good to eavesdrop on other people's conversations, there was even a hadith on it but they were talking about her, so she couldn't help it.

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